What I see in this photograph?

Okay, I admit that Scottie is my favorite golfer these days. When I was 20 my fav was Arnie, now at 86 its Scottie. When I heard that Scottie was going to Paris to play on the USA Olympic Golf Team, I thought wow, this is going to be probably one of the most fantastic tournaments I may ever watch (getting on in years), and I can’t miss a minute of it. Well needless to say, the tournament didn’t disappoint.

The things I understand about Scottie Scheffler, from what I have seen and heard are;
1. Scottie firmly understands that he has received a God given gift of an amazing ability to play golf extremely well. He is aware of this gift, and cherishes it every time he enters a competition. This means he is committed to being prepared, committed to excellence and blesses the opportunity to use his gifts to compete and to win and honor his God.
2. Scottie shuns the limelight. An early story about Scottie after his first wins, he told his wife that he wasn’t sure if he wanted to dive into the zany world of tournament golf, with all the TV interviews, newscasts and public appearances that are required in this day and age. She must have eased his mind, because off he ventured. You can see in every interview that he is courteous, pleasant, and always smiling.
3. Scottie will not involve himself in the negatives of the sport. We all know what they are and I truly respect him for his avoidance.

What I see in the picture above is an individual who has worked hard within himself, believing in himself and wanting to win. No letting down. No holding back. No blaming others, or the course, or the gallery, or the noise. All the golfers wanted to win the Gold. Scottie believed could win Gold, and he did.

With an adoring smile, the first thing Scottie noticed at the Medal Ceremony was his loving wife and child. A little later the second thing he really noticed was the Stars and Stripes being raised as the National Anthem. With his hand on his heart and softly mouthing the words Scottie began to weep and embrace all of the blessings he has been given.

So, what do I see in this photograph? this man is the real deal folks. He is a gentleman, a man of conviction and a man of honor, and one hell of a Golfer. Bravo Scottie.

There Is Hope Afterall………..She’s Gone…..or is she.

I forget when I first saw subject newsperson(SOBNP) on TV News, but I think it was about the same time Obama ran for President, the first time. The term BREAKING NEWS which seemed to appear as the lead in to everything SOBNP said. She created a lot of other words as well like:
BIAS, the art spinning every political news item to fit SOBNP’s network and personal partisanship.
IMAGING, the planning and posing one’s self to appear as something they aren’t. I cannot get the picture of SOBNP standing bravely at the open ramp at the back of a C-130(I think) in flight(I think), hair blowing, goggles on, dressed like Diana walking through the minefields. I was eating dinner at the time and had to excuse myself, I was laughing so hard. Talk about smoke and mirrors.
TALKING POINTS, the careful and faithful regurgitation of party line handed down from on-high(Oval Office). “We take the high road”, E Pluribus Milium, comes to mind. “Hunter is innocent”. you know stuff like that.
I imagine there is a difference between stepping aside, and stepping down, or away, so I think that the biased influence will continue on. I grew up with Walter Cronkite, Tom Brokaw, and my absolute favorite Peter Jennings. Never did I think about bias when I watched these men, the only bias I can think they might have had was reporting the news without malice, side-taking and talking points. Certainly there was imaging. Cronkite, the wise elderly gentlemen hooked on facts; Brokaw, halfway between Walter and Peter and Jennings, the hip, handsome vendor of truth and sincerity.

I long for those days of truthful newscasting, but I fear they are gone forever.