Sedition – I Want Action

A Letter I would Like to Write

Dear Attorney General of the United States,
noun    1. conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch, President.
The First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Where does the First Amendment end, and The Act of Sedition begin?
Maxine Waters recently called for the shaming of Trump Administration employees, at a ralley, screamingWhere ever you find them (Trump Administration Cabinet members); in a restaurant,  a department store, a gas station…….tell them they are not welcome, tell them we don’t want them here any longer.
The same weekend Kirstjen Nielsen and here husband were screamed out o a Mexican Restaurant. Prior to that Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were screamed from a restaurant in Lexington, Virginia.
President Trump and his Administration have been  openly harrassed from their first day in office by; Maxine “Shame Them” Waters, Elisabeth “Pocahontas” Warren;  Chuck “Dump Trump” Schumer, Nancy “Viva MS-13” Pelosi and many others of the Democratic Party.
Their behavior has impeded the orderly conduct of business in Washington for too long now, and it is time to review the laws on the books that deal with such issues and take action to remove these people from Government.
Dick Jacobsen

Hey Colbert? You Know What’s Really Funny?

What’s really funny is, this idiot thought he was making a big leap in his career by hosting the Emmy’s. He laughed, sang danced and did everything he could to win our hearts and minds. Many of Hilary’s ‘Bevy of Beaut’s’ tuned in to watch their Golden Boy singe the screen with his toxic wit and sarcastic sense of humor. I don’t think, however, that he realized that, many of President Trumps “Basket of Deplorables’,against their better judgement, tuned in also to watch the awards. If they were anything like me, they tuned out shortly thereafter.

Oooops! All of a sudden 62,000,000 other people in the US got a first hand look at what a real jerk looks like.

Hey Commish – Show ‘Em A Day At The Beach

Hey Commish, here’s what you need to do. Since your charges are all twenty to thirty somethings, you are going to have to tell them there was a war way back in the 40’s, called WWII. Tell them that a lot of our boys enlisted for that war effort, went over there, lied about their ages; ’cause they couldn’t wait to kill a few huns. Then, Commish, tell them a little about D’Day, like the fact that 2,500 of those boys died that day, and then show ’em the video above. It’ll confuse them, ’cause it ain’t the typical video they are used to.


Then, Commish, show them a few shots of the memorial at Colleville-sur-Mer, France. Let ’em take all that in. Then, Commish, tell ’em that the requirement for them to continue to play in the NFL, is, they have to find one of the survivors of WWII, (or Korea, Vietnam or The Desert Wars), then walk up to him, then take a knee, and then thank him, from the bottom of his millionaire heart, for the man’s service. Tell ’em, Commish, they better hurry ’cause there ain’t many of those WWII heroes left.

And Commish? If they don’t get it after that………they never will, and we’ll underastand.

I Hate Being So Indecisive

I used to think that Actors and Actresses were kind of ditsy people who couldn’t decide who they were, what kind of life they wanted, or what they wanted to do with their lives. I mean, the average marriage amongst them probably lasts an average of 3 to 5 years, or before the money runs out, or the star fades, or until the sex thing wears off, or whichever comes first. I could never understand how they could play in a shoot-em-up movie, one day, and then be in a gun control ad the next. It seems strange, to me, that they puff on cigarettes in a movie, and then take money for a ‘stop smoking ad’, because they care. Seems more like double dipping to me. But the ones that get me the most are the ones that host lavish parties, costing millions of dollars, for political entities like Obama, who then feels he needs to contribute millions of our taxpayer dollars to Ruanda, rather than veterans. Why don’t they just send the party money to Ruanda, and stay home and watch one of their movies, or TV reruns.

Although I still hold onto those thoughts, I’m now wondering if it isn’t their fans and followers that are ditsy. I mean watch the fans fall all over the celebs at the Oscars, screaming, sobbing, throwing undergarments, waving their arms, quite a scene actually. I can’t understand why the fans hang one every word the celebrity utters at Political Rallys, Political Conventions, Political ads. The celebs are certainly entitled to their political opinions, leanings and ideologies, but they don’t know any more about what they are talking about then does the man on the street, but yet thousands of fans look up and drool as Katie Perry says, “Can’t we all just love on eachother”. As profound as that statement is, I have no clue what it does to combat terrorism, fix immigration laws or ‘Make America Great Again’.

So now I’m lost, at an impass, pondering and posing who is the ditso, the one who can’t figure it out, or the one that idolizes him/her.

Media Lies – The Border Wall

It infuriates me when the Media out and out lies to make our President look bad. We all know that President Trump ran on the “We’re gonna build that wall folks, that I can tell you,” platform. 63,000,000 people supported that platform, me included. A secure border, with a country that disrespects our sovereignty, is a necessity. (Note: We don’t have a wall with Canada.) Trump is working very hard to make the wall a reality, and the News Media, for some unfathomable reason, is doing everything it can to stop it.

Last night I was watching CBS Evening news, which Trump bashed for at least 60% of the time, and a stalwart reporter came on to report on the wall and how it was coming along. She blurted out every negative thought she could concerning the wall and then ended with, “It could cost the American Taxpayer as much as 40 Billion (with a B) dollars…….Anthony.”

“Wow!” I said, “How can that be?”

Forty Billion dollars is $40,000,000,000. If we build the wall over every foot of terrain between the US and Mexico that would be approximately 2,500 miles. Do the math and that means, according to CBS News, the wall will cost the American Taxpayer $16,000,000 per mile. That is $16 Million dollars per mile. As a person who has spent his life in the construction business, I would kill to build every single mile of that wall. The reporting is misleading and irresponsible. Shame on you News Media. Shame on you.

Orators vs: Speakers The Difference Isn’t Subtle

Barak Obama was, and I suppose still is, a Speaker. He currently makes $400,000 a speech. He crafts and hones his words, he practices hand motions, facial expressions, shifts side to side, and rarely, if ever, says anything worthwile. Every word is politically correct and designed to appeal to a narrow group of people. He is extremely smart and uses his intellect to beguile. He is a handsome man and uses his appearance to seduce. He is a very persuasive actor.

On the other hand, Donald Trump is an orator. I define orator as someone who has something to say and says it plainly and simply so that everyone can understand him. He does not mix words. Speaking to world leaders at the UN he said, “In everything I do I consider the well-being of America and American’s first. Every leader of every sovereign nation should consider the well-being of his nation and it’s citizens first.” No word-smithing there. Easy to understand, and it says something.

I listen to every word President Trump says when he speaks because he speaks from the heart, and he says what he thinks. He uses words I understand, and I don’t feel that he is reaching into my back pocket every time he opens his mouth. Some feel that is offensive, not me, I feel it is honest.

I strongly recommend that you listen to his UN speech. I have no questions in my mind how he feels about the UN, Kim Jong Un, The Iran Neuclear Deal and Russia. I know where my President stands, and now, so does the entire world.

What A Disgusting Display Of Celebrity

Years ago a Celebrity was someone that most people revered, looked up to, adored, and yes, worshiped; for pursuits ranging from heroism, stardom, athleticism, good works, religion and other pursuits. We have elevated many of our midst to ultra levels of acclaim and accord for their hard work and hard earned capability. Some of the celebrities that I embraced over the years include, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Dwight David Eisenhower, Cousin Evald (a WWII Pacific Ace), Moshe Dayan, Golda Meir, John Kennedy, Paul Newman, Robert Mitchum, Grace Kelly, Bob Fossey and, of course, many others. Celebrity, to me, meant popularity (the state or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by many people). Celebrity, to me, also carried with it elements of respect and esteem, and a genuine appreciation of accomplishment.

Last Sunday night the Emmy Awards was held to honor Celebrities in the Television Industry. The Industry chose Stephen Colbert to be Master of their Ceremony. Oprah Winfrey sat up front ant center, as did many other smiling, tittering, ignoramuses. As the evening wore on, literally, the jokes and inuendo became so disgusting that I and everyone else watching with me wanted no more, so we shut the television off and stared at each other speechlessly for several minutes, and then we all realized that we and 62 Million other prople had just been terribly appallingly maligned.

We had a rousing discusssion about how disgusting the “Award Shows” have become and how wisdomatically the television academy had chosen as its master of ceremonies, one of the most disgusting people on the Planet, and featured close seconds, Alec Baldwin, and Melissa McCarthy. Several said that they thought that they thought they had noticed a few audience members showed signs of guilt and regret, but felt that they were in the vast majority. We then realized that we were actually supporting the disgusting behavior of the television industry by watching their

Apparently my friends and I are not in the minority judging from the criticisms from the news media and social media. “The Emmys have reached a new level of popular appeal…….Rock Bottom”. Congratulations are in order to Colbert for bringing the Emmys down to his level of capability.

Tiger Fallout

Tiger Fallout

I am really incensed by the treatment Tiger Wood has been afforded by our esteemed prime time and tabloid news stations. “Tiger Wood found asleep on the highway in his vehicle”, “Tiger Wood found drunk driving”, endless postings of his mug shot, his DUI testing; stumbling, nearly fallling down, has no idea where he is; on and on the inuendo flies, and now signs like the above begin to appear. Late nite “comedians”, starving for material, see a gold mine in Tiger Woods Monday arrest. It happened last Monday, and the assination still continues through the rest of the week. WTF!!!

OH BTW, TIGER’S BLOOD ALCOHOL LEVEL WAS O.OOO. HELLO? HELLO!!! YO!!! O.OOO. What is it about O.OOO the you late night comedians, and the you other news comedians don’t understand? WTF?

Tiger Wood is unarguably the best (winningest) golfer the world has ever seen, a philanthropist, a mentor and a Wheaties Box hero to millions and millions of children. Yes he made a monumental mistake, of catastrophic proportion; cheating on his wife, dating miriad questionable women. Tiger Wood stood up and paid dearly for his mistake, as the press so diligently reported, ad nauseum, during his days of persecution.

Tiger’s father dragged his bouncing baby boy out on to the golf course at age three, and wouldn’t let go of him be until Tiger became the winningest player ever. I have no facts to support this, but I imagine that at age three, Tiger’s undeveloped body wasn’t ready for what it was put through, and as a result he began to physically fail at a very early age. Operation after opearation, failure after failure, the toll mounted. I can imagine that all the invasive operations he has suffered; knees, shoulders, back, have left him with a high level of physical pain that requires medication and treatment. This is not an excuse for his actions on Monday. Who would let him get into a car in this condition? Did the condition come on after he had gotten into the car or was he in that condition before he got in? Did he understand the drugs he was taking? Was he under post operative care? Why aren’t these questions being asked?

Tiger Wood does not deserve to be protrayed as a Drunk; he has earned and deserves better than that. The truly bad people in the world, i.e. those who would capitalize on the misfortune and the fortune of others, need to be exposed for what they are, low life sociopaths who lack moral compass.



To Blog Or Not To Blog?


Blog: a website that contains online personal reflections, comments, and often hyperlinks, videos, and photographs provided by the writer; also :  the contents of such a site; i.e. Blogger.

Thoughts and ideas often come to me, that energize me in such a way that I have to share them. It’s not that they are necessarily earth shattering, or momentous or colossal, rather inescapable , inexorable and unstoppable. I get a burning NEED to put pen to paper and (via Word) and share.

I haven’t felt that need, of late, because I am so bummed by the current political commentary that it has invaded and decimated my yearning to communicate.

I have subscribed to the local newspaper (where and when I could) for nearly forty years, avidly reading the news, chuckling with Mallard Fillmore, and puzzling the crosswords. Peter Jennings was a fixture on my six PM TV fare and I replied him a fond “Goodnight” at the end of each broadcast. Since his early death from cancer, “over 9/11”, I have searched for a replacement, finding no one, save Bill O’Reilly, to take his place (and we see what happened to him – ‘come back Bill, wherever you are’).

I can’t stand the Political news segments on any of the uber biased liberal prime time news stations; and since USA today came to town and liberalized our moderate newspaper; I have none of my lifelong habits to fall back on, the habits that gave me a sense of stability, patriotism and belonging.

In eight years, my world has been turned upside-down, sideways and backward; not a good place to be at my age.

I have ordered Will Shortrz’s puzzle books, found on line, watch local TV News and have found a new sense of self, order and serenity. F— the Prime Time Political News reporting.

I hereby promise to continue to share my thoughts and ideas with any of you that care to listen, and do it lovingly, enthusiastically, and devotedly.

SEDITION, An Old Word That Needs Reviving

Def. Conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state
Is SEDITION illegal?
Sedition is the crime of revolting or inciting revolt against government. However, because of the broad protection of free speech under the first amendment, prosecutions for sedition are rare.
Sedition is an old word, that in my opinion, needs to be revived. The First Amendment guarantees that we, United States Citizens, have freedom of speech. It is a guarantee that I have hung my hat on many times in the past, and a right that under no circumstance can be denied. We must all feel that we have a right to express ourselves.
A Senator’s Oath of Office:   “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.”
Having offered all of the above, I believe, in my heart of hearts, that Charles Ellis “Chuck” Schumer stepped beyond the First Amendment and went against his oath of office during a NYC Rally against President Trump’s recent immigration order. Schumer, within his rights and oath of office, laid out his beliefs that the immigration order went against everything that America stood for. So far, he is within his First Amendment Rights and just barely within his Official Obligatatory Oath. However, he then pumped and riled the crowd to a frenzy, and at its peak, repeatedly pounded the podium, screeching and screaming, over and over again, “DUMP TRUMP, DUMP TRUMP, DUMP TRUMP”. By doing so, Schumer, in my opinion, overstepped his bounds, revoking his Constitutional Rights and invoked an ACT of SEDITION.
We, law abiding, tax paying, well meaning United States Citizens, have heard so much of this type of oratory lately that we tend to shrug it off as “dissatisfaction and reaction by the losing opposition”. Well, enough is enough, for me at least. The President of the United States is the Constitutionally anointed leader of these United States, which Schumer, and others of his ilk, have Constitutionally sworn to defend, and to bear true faith and allegiance.
“SEDITION”, I shout at the top of my register. Schumer needs, as a minimum to be censured and as a maximum removed from his Senate seat.