Big Brother Brainwashing


Anyone today who gets their political news from a syndicated newspaper, or a major TV or radio broadcasting station, is being brainwashed. I have studied it, I have participated, I have commented and I have preached. Nowhere can I find an unbiased political news report, nowhere. If you feel good after reading a particular article, or watching/hearing a news report, you are experiencing bias. Let that sink in.

There is an old adage that says, “If you throw enough crap at a barn door, some of it is bound to stick”. In other words, listen to something often enough and you begin to believe it.  Eschew the talking heads, TV pundits and the political hack reporters who spin everything into a plus for their candidate, no matter who it is. Said differently, if Donald Trump makes a political speech, NBC, CBS and ABC will shame him for his words no matter what he says. If Hillary makes a political speech, FOX will tell you she is crooked and wrong.

Okay. You already knew this. So where does it leave you? What have you learned? I say, that if you must listen to one source, then you must listen to all the others to get some sort of balance, and what that means is you are then left to decide which of the candidates is the least despicable. This is how smear politics works. Each candidate has a staff of people who listen to everything the opposition says and then figures out how to beat them over the head with it.

The only way to obtain unbiased political news, is to listen to each candidate speak, and then immediately turn off your radio or television set, sit quietly alone and cogitate the meaning of what you alone have heard. You are the best pundit for your own necessities. You are best to understand the difference between the truth and a lie, between a promise and a guarantee, between what is good for all and what isn’t. “We the People…”, in the singular, is “You the Person…”. This political season step up to the plate and take a swing for the fences. My life and yours depends on it.