Revelation from The Old Country

Danish Flag

I love this flag as much as my Stars and Stripes,
which I fly with pride. I am a first generation
son of the Old Country.

A day or two ago I was rooting around Twitter and noticed a name that had strong similarities to mine, so I decided to engage the owner. She earns a living as a Freelance Writer in the Media. Our disjointed twittering started out very friendly, and soon evolved into a friendly discussion of politics. Typing messages back and forth, is difficult at best, but she was determined, as was I, to communicate.
Apparently she studied my Twitter page and said, “I see you are a Trump voter.” I told her that I was, but feared that the polished wheels of the Clinton machine, might overrun Trump’s quest to make America great again.  She was devistated to hear that. We went back and forth for over an hour, and here is the gist.
Denmark has been a Christian civilization for over a thousand years. She has been noticing change in Europe, but it was not until Chancellor Merkel of Germany allowed thousands and thousands of “Islamic Refugees” to enter Europe, through Germanies open borders, that she noticed real change in Europe. (Studies now show that 65% of the Merkel labled “Refugees” are men of fighting age, as we have seen from the rape and pillage reports earlier this year from Western Europe.) Merkel wielded her economic power to force less wealthy nations to take some of the “Refugees”. She saw that Chancellor Merkel was gaining popularity in Europe, by hook and by crook. Wealthy Germany has the power to bring economic pressure on the less wealthy nations, my Denmark seemingly, being one. Apparently, however, Chancellor Merkel’s reign is over next year but she is making a bid to Chair the EU in 2017, causing millions of Europeans to fear the path Europe might take, and what a collaboration with Clinton might cause. She is concerned what two greedy and power hungry women might do to the world order.
I tried to explain the Progressive Movement, and our need to have the pendulum swing back to the right, but she already understood that, and did not understand why Americans saw “Locker Room talk” as more important than the loss of America’s identity and the fostering of the election of a lying crook. She, along with millions of Europeans, fear that Clinton and Merkel will form a union, promoting Progressive change and the destruction of Judeo-Cristian values everywhere. Christian cultures are the same, the world over, and millions have the same fears. American schools stopped teaching our Judeo-Christian values years ago and the steamroller keeps quietly moving along. The ACLU, Liberal Justices, Liberal Press and Liberal Education are growing like weeds and destroying America. Isn’t it time to wake up? Isn’t it time to make America and the World great again?