Tiger Fallout

Tiger Fallout

I am really incensed by the treatment Tiger Wood has been afforded by our esteemed prime time and tabloid news stations. “Tiger Wood found asleep on the highway in his vehicle”, “Tiger Wood found drunk driving”, endless postings of his mug shot, his DUI testing; stumbling, nearly fallling down, has no idea where he is; on and on the inuendo flies, and now signs like the above begin to appear. Late nite “comedians”, starving for material, see a gold mine in Tiger Woods Monday arrest. It happened last Monday, and the assination still continues through the rest of the week. WTF!!!

OH BTW, TIGER’S BLOOD ALCOHOL LEVEL WAS O.OOO. HELLO? HELLO!!! YO!!! O.OOO. What is it about O.OOO the you late night comedians, and the you other news comedians don’t understand? WTF?

Tiger Wood is unarguably the best (winningest) golfer the world has ever seen, a philanthropist, a mentor and a Wheaties Box hero to millions and millions of children. Yes he made a monumental mistake, of catastrophic proportion; cheating on his wife, dating miriad questionable women. Tiger Wood stood up and paid dearly for his mistake, as the press so diligently reported, ad nauseum, during his days of persecution.

Tiger’s father dragged his bouncing baby boy out on to the golf course at age three, and wouldn’t let go of him be until Tiger became the winningest player ever. I have no facts to support this, but I imagine that at age three, Tiger’s undeveloped body wasn’t ready for what it was put through, and as a result he began to physically fail at a very early age. Operation after opearation, failure after failure, the toll mounted. I can imagine that all the invasive operations he has suffered; knees, shoulders, back, have left him with a high level of physical pain that requires medication and treatment. This is not an excuse for his actions on Monday. Who would let him get into a car in this condition? Did the condition come on after he had gotten into the car or was he in that condition before he got in? Did he understand the drugs he was taking? Was he under post operative care? Why aren’t these questions being asked?

Tiger Wood does not deserve to be protrayed as a Drunk; he has earned and deserves better than that. The truly bad people in the world, i.e. those who would capitalize on the misfortune and the fortune of others, need to be exposed for what they are, low life sociopaths who lack moral compass.