Hey Commish – Show ‘Em A Day At The Beach

Hey Commish, here’s what you need to do. Since your charges are all twenty to thirty somethings, you are going to have to tell them there was a war way back in the 40’s, called WWII. Tell them that a lot of our boys enlisted for that war effort, went over there, lied about their ages; ’cause they couldn’t wait to kill a few huns. Then, Commish, tell them a little about D’Day, like the fact that 2,500 of those boys died that day, and then show ’em the video above. It’ll confuse them, ’cause it ain’t the typical video they are used to.


Then, Commish, show them a few shots of the memorial at Colleville-sur-Mer, France. Let ’em take all that in. Then, Commish, tell ’em that the requirement for them to continue to play in the NFL, is, they have to find one of the survivors of WWII, (or Korea, Vietnam or The Desert Wars), then walk up to him, then take a knee, and then thank him, from the bottom of his millionaire heart, for the man’s service. Tell ’em, Commish, they better hurry ’cause there ain’t many of those WWII heroes left.

And Commish? If they don’t get it after that………they never will, and we’ll underastand.