We Got Duped Folks!

On June 27, 2024 Joe Biden and Donald Trump had their first, and last, televised debate. As we all know by now it was a disaster for Biden. He is not heard from for awhile after that, an then all of a sudden he appears over and over again saying that he fully intends to run for a second term. Then, again all of a sudden, he comes down with COVID. After this, all of the power brokers in the swamp come out in favor of Biden carrying on his campaign, saying he is a great American and always puts his country first. One week later on July 22, 2024, Biden has an epiphany that he wants to do the right thing by standing down and endorsing Kamala Harris as his endorsed nominee.

Bravely he submits a letter to the Nation stating in the third paragraph;
“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party (oh yeah) and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”

It apparently took Joe Biden, etal, 24 days to figure out what should be done, and during that entire 24 Days we heard nothing from the Democratic power base, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama and Soros. I began wondering why that was the case. and what happened during that 24 day period……keeping in mind, resigning as the Democratic Parties (shoe in) Nomination for President of these United States is ONE HELL OF A BIG DEAL. It isn’t like they were deciding whether to wear a tie or not, or go out to eat or not, or to go to the movies or not, it was a MOMENTOUS DAMN DECISION, affecting 360 Million Americans, and the entire free World, and probably all of their unfree compatriots as well.
So what happened? On June 27th 2024, Joe and the Democratic Party knew they were in deep sugar. They knew the jig was up, and changes needed to be made. I am as sure as death that Joe and the Party came to an agreement in the first days that for stepping aside as Nominee, he would be allowed to finish his term “to focus solely…..”  So, Boil and Bubble Toil and Trouble, the Dems went to work hatching a plan, but all these issues were cropping up and they were having a tough time getting it straight. Kamala is all they had. Grewsome Newsom, as we call him here in California wouldn’t co-run as Veep, for obvious reasons….Kamala was his subordinate AG at one time. I’m sure Michele Obama and many of the others such as Whitmer, Beshar, Pritzker, Shapiro and even that bungling idiot Buttegieg didn’t want to fall on their swords either. But understand here, the process of trying to find someone and develop a plan had to take a lot of time and phone calls. Weeks I am sure.
You would think that the Party Powers-that-be would tell Biden to quit now, while he was ahead, and let Kamala finish his term. But wait. What if she screws it up and shows she isn’t Presidential Timber? Nope, better find a different plan, besides I’m betting Biden put up a big fight on this. What they are left with is hoping Kamala can pull off the Nomination, or by some divine happening a savior shows up August 19, 2024 in Chicago. You can easily imagine why it took so long for the Democrats to make up their mind.

WE GOT DUPED FOLKS. The last 24 Days hasn’t been a quest for doing what’s best for the Country, as every Democratic pundit and spokesman want you to believe. No it’s about Biden saving his “leg-ass-y” and the wishes of the elite Party bosses trying to make up their minds and agendas. Doing what is best for the country would have taken 24 hours at most.