September 2, 1945


September 2, 1945, aboard the USS Missouri in Tokyo Bay

Progressive liberal historians are trying to rewrite history and paint the United States as the bad guys for the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, as witnessed by Obama’s recent trip to Nagasaki where he bowed and scraped and all but apologized to the Japanese.

September 2, 1945 is a day that most people today don’t remember, but I remember it like it was yesterday. WWII should have ended with the end of the fighting in Europe, and certainly should have ended April 1, 1945 when American Troops landed on Okinawa (next step Japan). At that time, the Japanese knew that the Allied Powers would eventually win the war.

Allied troops (American, Australian, British) were worn out and tired from four plus years of continuous, Pacific Theater, fighting and America wanted to bring it’s heros home and put an honorable end to hostilities, but the maniacal Emperor Hirohito decided to “Fight to the last man”, (and there were millions left). President Truman and Congress rightly decided that it was time to make the Kamakazi mentality Japanese see the light, and on August 6, 1945 dropped the Atomic Bomb (Little Boy) on Hiroshima. Truman again asked Japan to surrender honorably or suffer futher consequences. Hirohito stood by his “To the Last Man” orders. Three days later the Nitrogen Bomb (Fat Boy) was dropped on Nagasaki, and again Truman called for unconditional surrender. Astonishingly, it took TWO horrendous bombings for Japan to get the message.

Japan announced its surrender on August 15, 1945 and on September 2, 1945, boarded the USS Missouri for the surrender signing ceremony. Hirohito didn’t have the balls to show, and instead sent his Foreign Affairs Minister, and some minor dignitaries, in their funny little top hats, to sign the historic documents.

When remembering this day, take the time to get the facts straight. Don’t believe your liberal, abrogated, and distorted history books, the truth can be found elsewhere. Take the time to learn the truth about this great country of ours.

Note: Hirohito lived on in happy retirement until 1989 (44 more years).