How Did This Happen

How did we get from a little red hat saying “Make America Great Again” to a smear campaign calling our President and others racists for wearing it.

I’ll tell you what I think. There is something called a news cycle, the media act of reporting on a single subject or event from beginning to end. A typical news cycle runs for 24 hours. There are some that go on for days, weeks, months and even years. SOTU speech is an example of a 24hr cycle. Roger Stone examplifies a week cycle, Beto is an example of a month cycle, Robert Mueller is an example of a year(s) cycle. There is a singular cycle that carries on forever, “Bashing Trump”. Trying to bring down President Trump has become a media epidemic, an internal disease so powerful that the media can’t help itself, spreading a disease that has no cure. I don’t even think that President Trump’s demise would stop the insanity. It is a shameful situation the Media has gotten itself and our country into.

I have been saying to myself, “Keep it up media, it is only a matter of time before you are exposed for what you are” or “Hell I’m going to die soon, and why should I give a rats ass”, but that is no way to feel and think. I have grandchildren that will have to navigate this murkey bog, and they need a strong moral compass to get through it. “Make America Great Again” should go a long way to keeping and even keel.






A Few Of My Fa-vor-it Things

Teeth into the wind

There are two things (other than the usual exclusions, like wife, friends and family) for which I have a true passion, and they are words and dogs. Words and dogs are both unconditional, loyal and steadfast.

Recently this dog came into my universe and showed me the meaning of the word INTREPID, by bravely traveling 4,000+ miles by air, through blizzards, reroutings and delays and landing without complaint in a strange setting, giving and looking for love with every step of her grand entrance at SFO United Receiving . As I look at this picture and roll the word INTREPID around in my brain I wonder if I am using enough of a word to properly translate what I wanted say about her. A quick GOOGLE has put my fears to rest.

Take a minute and read each of these synonomic-descriptors in turn and as you say each word slowly to yourself, look at her picture.
unblenching, unabashedbolddaringaudaciousadventurousdashingheroicdynamic,
spiritedmettlesome, confidentindomitable, bravecourageousvaliantvalorous,
stoutheartedlionheartedstalwartplucky, gutsyspunkygame, and ballsy.”

Yeah, I think I that’s a good word. Don’t you?