What I see in this photograph?

Okay, I admit that Scottie is my favorite golfer these days. When I was 20 my fav was Arnie, now at 86 its Scottie. When I heard that Scottie was going to Paris to play on the USA Olympic Golf Team, I thought wow, this is going to be probably one of the most fantastic tournaments I may ever watch (getting on in years), and I can’t miss a minute of it. Well needless to say, the tournament didn’t disappoint.

The things I understand about Scottie Scheffler, from what I have seen and heard are;
1. Scottie firmly understands that he has received a God given gift of an amazing ability to play golf extremely well. He is aware of this gift, and cherishes it every time he enters a competition. This means he is committed to being prepared, committed to excellence and blesses the opportunity to use his gifts to compete and to win and honor his God.
2. Scottie shuns the limelight. An early story about Scottie after his first wins, he told his wife that he wasn’t sure if he wanted to dive into the zany world of tournament golf, with all the TV interviews, newscasts and public appearances that are required in this day and age. She must have eased his mind, because off he ventured. You can see in every interview that he is courteous, pleasant, and always smiling.
3. Scottie will not involve himself in the negatives of the sport. We all know what they are and I truly respect him for his avoidance.

What I see in the picture above is an individual who has worked hard within himself, believing in himself and wanting to win. No letting down. No holding back. No blaming others, or the course, or the gallery, or the noise. All the golfers wanted to win the Gold. Scottie believed could win Gold, and he did.

With an adoring smile, the first thing Scottie noticed at the Medal Ceremony was his loving wife and child. A little later the second thing he really noticed was the Stars and Stripes being raised as the National Anthem. With his hand on his heart and softly mouthing the words Scottie began to weep and embrace all of the blessings he has been given.

So, what do I see in this photograph? this man is the real deal folks. He is a gentleman, a man of conviction and a man of honor, and one hell of a Golfer. Bravo Scottie.

We Got Duped Folks!

On June 27, 2024 Joe Biden and Donald Trump had their first, and last, televised debate. As we all know by now it was a disaster for Biden. He is not heard from for awhile after that, an then all of a sudden he appears over and over again saying that he fully intends to run for a second term. Then, again all of a sudden, he comes down with COVID. After this, all of the power brokers in the swamp come out in favor of Biden carrying on his campaign, saying he is a great American and always puts his country first. One week later on July 22, 2024, Biden has an epiphany that he wants to do the right thing by standing down and endorsing Kamala Harris as his endorsed nominee.

Bravely he submits a letter to the Nation stating in the third paragraph;
“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party (oh yeah) and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”

It apparently took Joe Biden, etal, 24 days to figure out what should be done, and during that entire 24 Days we heard nothing from the Democratic power base, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama and Soros. I began wondering why that was the case. and what happened during that 24 day period……keeping in mind, resigning as the Democratic Parties (shoe in) Nomination for President of these United States is ONE HELL OF A BIG DEAL. It isn’t like they were deciding whether to wear a tie or not, or go out to eat or not, or to go to the movies or not, it was a MOMENTOUS DAMN DECISION, affecting 360 Million Americans, and the entire free World, and probably all of their unfree compatriots as well.
So what happened? On June 27th 2024, Joe and the Democratic Party knew they were in deep sugar. They knew the jig was up, and changes needed to be made. I am as sure as death that Joe and the Party came to an agreement in the first days that for stepping aside as Nominee, he would be allowed to finish his term “to focus solely…..”  So, Boil and Bubble Toil and Trouble, the Dems went to work hatching a plan, but all these issues were cropping up and they were having a tough time getting it straight. Kamala is all they had. Grewsome Newsom, as we call him here in California wouldn’t co-run as Veep, for obvious reasons….Kamala was his subordinate AG at one time. I’m sure Michele Obama and many of the others such as Whitmer, Beshar, Pritzker, Shapiro and even that bungling idiot Buttegieg didn’t want to fall on their swords either. But understand here, the process of trying to find someone and develop a plan had to take a lot of time and phone calls. Weeks I am sure.
You would think that the Party Powers-that-be would tell Biden to quit now, while he was ahead, and let Kamala finish his term. But wait. What if she screws it up and shows she isn’t Presidential Timber? Nope, better find a different plan, besides I’m betting Biden put up a big fight on this. What they are left with is hoping Kamala can pull off the Nomination, or by some divine happening a savior shows up August 19, 2024 in Chicago. You can easily imagine why it took so long for the Democrats to make up their mind.

WE GOT DUPED FOLKS. The last 24 Days hasn’t been a quest for doing what’s best for the Country, as every Democratic pundit and spokesman want you to believe. No it’s about Biden saving his “leg-ass-y” and the wishes of the elite Party bosses trying to make up their minds and agendas. Doing what is best for the country would have taken 24 hours at most.

Generation Gap

There is nothing wrong with your eyes, it’s called “The Generation Gap

The other day my wife (76 yrs old) and I (85 yrs old)  visited a Doctor (Late 40’s early 50’s) to discuss optionss for a proceedure my wife was diagnosed to require. One of the first things he said was, “I’m just a Doctor, I’m not more or less than anyone you know, I’m just a Doctor/Teacher.” At first I was confused and wanted to say, “Are we going to see the Doctor who will perform the operation?” He went on for awhile explaining the options, my wife told him we wanted the full operation, that she had been living with pain for two years now, and wanted and end to the misery she was experiencing. He remarked that was a good choice, and added some more information, at which time I asked him if he was the Doctor that was performing the operation. He answered “yes, he woulw be the surgeon, that “my wife had made a good choice, and again remarked that he “wanted to explain everything to us before we made the decision, that he was just a Doctor not an advisor like any other professional but that we were the only ones that could make those decisions”, and that “we know what is best for us once we understood everything”. He also said at one point that he shouldn’t be respected any more that any other man.

I thought for awhile and I said, “As 85 and 76 years olds, our generation was taught to respect Doctors, Policemen, Teachers, Elders, and anyone else in authority”. His comment to that was, “Yes, but not revere them, as they were just people like we were and able to make our own choices”.  I began to understand more of where he was coming from, but fully understood that he did not understand where we were coming from.

It is my belief that we are all products of our experience, and that there are common experiences and there are uncommon ecperiences. I could have had parents that said, “Son, never trust Doctors, Policemen, Teachers or Elders, they are all quacks and you need to decide everything for yourself”. I’m sure those parental types existed in my time, but I know that if they did exist they were far in the minority.

So what’s my point here? I was offended when he questioned my need to respect authority. It is in my DNA. I can’t just drop it. I felt that whatever he was saying to me was in his DNA also, and that he felt he had to say those thing. (In retrospect, his statements could have been interpreted as a God Syndrome way of speaking, but I gave him the respect of believing that he was speaking to me from the heart.)

I think a better way for him to have approached us would have been to say “I am a Surgical Doctor, capable of fixing your issue. I would first like to take you through all of the possibilities and ramifications of what you are facing, and then I want you to make your own decision. Only you know what is best for you”.

None the less, he opened both our eyes, and for that we both came away better for the encounter.

Presidents Day……”Now Here’s The Deal Folks”

“Now here’s the deal folks”

Wow, it’s President’s Day, and we want to be the first to tell you Joe, how happy we all are with your Presidency and how thankful we are for all your hard work and all the wonderful things you have done for us and this wonderful country. Where should we begin.

Oh yes………we are so thankful for the wonderful work you have done for the country by cleaning up that mess at the border. Stopping the ugly wall construction was a master-stroke. It is so easy now for everyone to walk across the border. Swimming across is almost a thing of the past and it was so dangerous anyway. The money you have saved, can now be spent on education, housing and subsistance of those newcomers…..to hell with all those homeless folks already clogging our city streets. We love the holding facilities you have provided for our newcomers. What the heck if the odd kid gets lost or sodomised, gives them toughness, teaches them life has its ups and downs and if they survive, it makes them stronger. The citizens living near the border are ecstatic and over the top with all the newcomers roaming across their property. They are good citizens who can put up with the odd home invasion, property destruction, armed robbery and rape. Don’t give those good citizens another thought Joe, they are good law abiding, tax paying folks ready to follow your lead.
Oh yes………stopping the gas line and the gas hike was stroke of genius, although we bet AOC put that bug in your ear. We all are in awe of the deep thought process that came up with the idea to do away with fossil fuel, when we have only a century of supply remaining and no feasable solution for a replacement form of transportation for the rank and file. The Tesla just isn’t for everyone anyway…..right Joe? Maybe all the gas suppliers will pool their billions in profits and buy us all a state-of-the-art Genesis, and make all those rich Koreans richer.
Oh yes……..and Joe the incentive payment thing is profound. Everyone is so thankful that you are giving away your money to give them incentive is so generous. The increased tax idea is a little confusing as is the pilfering of retirement savings accounts, but what the heck Joe, “The Lord giveth and taketh away”, why shouldn’t you.
Oh yes………Joe what a shame that your idea to relieve student loans didn’t take come to fruition. The hell with those students that have already paid theirs off.
Oh yes………We could go on and on,but we don’t want you to get a swelled head……..or is it a fat head.

Joe……“Now here’s the real deal”. On this well deserved President’s Day we are all so happy with your performance, thoughtfulness and hard work, that we would like to give you a two year, all expenses paid vacation, to any place of your choice in the universe. We have a rocketship standing by waiting to wisk you and your entire family away. As you leave earths atmosphere, look back and see all the good folks waving and wishing you………..


Back Again – I Miss You


It has been awhile since we last visited. This morning I was doing my usual Social Media stuff, and decided to visit my website http://dickjacobsen.com , and read through the last ten or so posts and had several realizations. One…….man it has been a long time since I posted (November 20, 2021); Two…….man I really enjoyed what I read; and Three……..man I had an epiphany (a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something;  an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking;an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure). I really liked what I had written.

OK, so now you are probably thinking ‘What a pompus ass this guy is’. Well maybe so/maybe not, but this is where the epiphany kicks in.

More years ago than I’m willing to admit, I took a couple of night Literature Courses at Ventura JC in Southern California, I was stationed at a nearby Naval Airbase – Point Mugu, where I was an Aviation Guidedmissleman Third Class, testing Sidewinders, Sparrow 111’s and Bullpup’s. I really enjoyed the Lit Courses. The Courses broke the boredom of my military incarceration, and gave me a chance to express myself.

When Final Exam time came, I walked into the classroom, and there was a sentence written on the blackboard;

“Bubbles I blow, Beads I Twist, all the rest is darkness and conjecture.” With the verbal instruction “Write about this, you have one hour.”

Hmmmm, I thought, and then it hit me. I sat down and wrote feverishly for the full hour. The gist of what I wrote was; “as an author, you write and write and write and yet when all is said, written and done, you never know what your reader will read.” In other words how will the reader interpret what you have written and did you get across what you wanted to get across, i.e. Did your reader get it?

Todays epiphany was………when writing, I smirk when I am writing smirk, I smile when I am writing funny, cry when I am writing sad, and mad as hell when I am writing rant. When I re-read my old posts I immediately smirked, smiled, cried, and got mad as hell in all the right places and enjoyed the read immensely………BUT what does the average reader do?…..there is the epiphany.

I’m thinking that I should preface each post with “Smile when you read this, or cry when you read this, smirk, or get mad as hell when you read this. What do you think?

OH, by the way……..I got the only A+ on the exam and the course.

Government Wisdom and other Oxymorons


Attorney General Barr has just made a momentous decision that I want to share with you all. Barr announced  that he will not be investigating past President Obama and Past Vice President Biden for the so called Obamagate issues. He said, and I quote, “The criminal justice system will not be used for partisan political ends.”

Lets just think about that for a moment. Obamagate is, according to President Trump, the unjust targeting of his staff (General Flynn, Paul Manafort, etal) to try and accuse newly, duly elected President Donald Trump of colluding with Russia to meddle in the 2016 elections. For two excruciating years we tolerantly watched and listened to Robert Mueller and his merry band of ‘criminal justice system members‘ use the ‘criminal justice system‘ in an unfounded attempt to unseat President Trump. Senators, Congressmen and Congresswomen, past Presidents and Secretaries of State, Attorneys, even all levels of the FBI (for God’s sake), lied, created fake dossiers, and misled the American Public in a futile attempt to satisfy ‘partisan political ends‘, and unjustly impeach a sitting President.

Attorney General Barr you should be ashamed of yourself and you should be immediately removed from your exhaulted office for not doing your Constitutionally appointed job of protecting the United States and its duly elected President. President Trump has suffered immeasurably and yet has done more for this country than all of the rest of you jerks, or should I say, in spite of all of you jerks put together.

The President has been wrongly accused and deserves his day in court. How dare you hide behind a cheap, self-rightious, meaningless oxymoron as “The Criminal Justice System will not be used for partisan political ends”. The other partisans have been using the ‘criminal justice system’ (of which you are so proud), with abandon for the last 12 years, or haven’t you noticed.


As A Member of Society, I……………………………..


Society Definition: The aggregate of people living together in a more or less ordered community.
society is a group of individuals involved in persistent social interaction, or a large social group sharing the same geographical or social territory, typically subject to the same political authority and dominant cultural expectations.
Society Used in a sentence: We are painfully aware of drugs, crime and other dangers to society.
Society Synonyms: the community, the general public, the people, the United States at large.
Other meanings and uses: He was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, She’s high society, You wouldn’t say that in polite society, They live on the fringe of society, She shunned the society of others.

What the above means to me is if you call yourself a ‘a member of society’, it is probably a good idea that you understand what that means and that you should understand the mores of the society in which you claim to be a part. Or on the otherhand, if you don’t, you might be a ‘sociopath’.
Social Mores Definition: The essential or characteristic customs and conventions of society.
Sociopath Definition: A person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience.

I see the United States as a society. In the beginning, millenia ago, the United States was a society made up of ‘Native Americans’. (I think we all know that story, and if you don’t you had best learn it, as a social obligation.) Then centuries ago  (1790 to 1850 the Colonial Migration) people escaping political persecution and other inhumanities came seeking freedom from their oppressors and we became the land of the free, which led to a bloody Civil War. Then from 1850 to 1930 we noticed immigrants from all over the world, most looking for a ‘better life’, as WWI had impoverished most of Europe. My parents came to the United States from Denmark in 1921, so I know from whence I write. What is really important to understand, is during this entire period, and probably untill 9/11, everyone in the United States (with the exception of the sociopaths) was working diligently to build the greatest nation in history and the greatest society in history.

The outcome of all of this work is our Society that is outlined in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution, and in The Rule of Law. Just in case you don’t understand what our societal mores are, let me iterate. We are (to a fault) a Society of tolerance, a Society of fairness, a Society of generosity, a Society of Laws.

Bottom line? If those aren’t your mores (in aggregate) you should find another society.

Note: My reasons for writing this piece was sparked by our current political crisis, our lack of respect for the law crisis, our drug and addiction crisis (commonly known as the homeless crisis), our burgeoning immunization crisis, our immigration crisis, our education (or lack thereof) crisis and our growing lack of love for eachother crisis.

Shooting in Nirvana

I was not a good shot with a pistol. My usual pattern was down and to the right of where I am aiming. In my wisdom, or lack thereof, I had concluded that I don’t squeeze the trigger properly. I don’t squeeze with the pad of my trigger finger, but rather in the crook of the first knuckle. For the longest time I compensated by aiming at a point up and to the left of what I wanted to hit, and that worked for four shots, and then didn’t.

I have decided to obtain my CCW License, and realized that I better improve at the “hitting what I aim at” idea, and went to the shooting range for some much needed practice.  Down and to the right, down and to the right, no matter what I did, nothing changed. I noticed that the guy in the booth next to me was nailing his target, and shooting five shot patterns that looked looked like Bachelor Buttons, gaping holes in the target.

“Nice shooting”, I said. “Thanks”, was the non-boastful answer. We spoke for some time and he finally asked me if I could access Youtube, and suggested that I look up a “Focus on the Front Sight” video, by an ex-Navy Seal. I was completely blown away by this video (no pun intended). The rest, as they say, is History.  The videographer is Chris Sajnog (pronounced Saw – nog), and I recommend that anyone wanting to shoot straight, have a look at his work.

I shoot straight, I grip right and stand right. No more “down and to the right”.

Music Moves Me


Someone asked me the other day if I liked music. “I love music”, I answered. Why do you love music? “Because it moves me”, I said. The answer just came out of the blue, but for some reason, I knew my answer was true, but even I needed to know why. When I got home I went to my Youtube List, and started to listen to the music that I love.

So what moves me here. 1) The audience’s clammor for the three striking singers as they walked in. 2) Almost from the first chord my eyes started to tear up, and my mouth formed a smile. 3) The audience kissing and hugging eachother, smiling, crying, one person openly sobbing. 4) The spontaneous participation of the audience ranging from 5 years to 80+ years. 5) Rieu’s stimulating violin. 6) The presentation of the notes by the young women, filling their lungs and pressing the notes to higher and higher harmoneous perfection. 7) The lyrics.

And why does this move me? 1.) The adulation of a crowd who revere these two men as much as I do, numbering enough to fill Shea Stadium in New York. 2) I dare anyone to listen to this and not move their body and grin til it hurts. 3) the deafening roar of appreciation from the crowd.

OK. Turn your volume up to listen to this marvelous aria.

There is a purity to this voice that is very hard to describe, but each time I hear “Nessun Dorma” from Turandot I sob like a baby. I have since my mother introduced me to it as a boy, along with “Oh Mimi” from La Boheme, “The Flower Duet”, from Lakmé and many more.

Music Moves Me.

Dear Naomi Osaka – You’re A Winner

Dear Naomi,

I’m not a tennis fan, but I am particularly disenchanted with your US Open Finals opponent and the crowd that watched you triumphantly defeat her. (That should clear the air). I do want you to know that you are a winner, and I applaud you for your stunning win over your opponent. What happened after the final set point was outrageous and reprehensible.
Having to deal with a cheating opponent, breaking rackets, calling out judges, playing the race card and playing the #metoo card, all in one heated irrational tantrum is more than your should have had to withstand to seal your win.
What happened, Dear Naomi, was that a petulant, elitist, brute and her adoring mob of followers and her hand-signaling coach were hell bent on a come-back win to show the world that she could have a child and still return to the number one slot. I’m not saying that she couldn’t, but I am saying that she didn’t, and because she didn’t she had to blame others for her lack of performance, and try to steal your thunder at the awards ceremony. This is what petulant elitists do with impunity; you are probably too young to remember John McEnroe.
My purpose in writing this is make sure you understand that you beat her fair and square, you bested her that day and you are going to go on doing that for many years to come. You are a star in every sense and the fact that you endured that cheesy public display and went on to win makes your star shine even brighter. Excellent, excellent job.

Dick Jacobsen