We Got Duped Folks!

On June 27, 2024 Joe Biden and Donald Trump had their first, and last, televised debate. As we all know by now it was a disaster for Biden. He is not heard from for awhile after that, an then all of a sudden he appears over and over again saying that he fully intends to run for a second term. Then, again all of a sudden, he comes down with COVID. After this, all of the power brokers in the swamp come out in favor of Biden carrying on his campaign, saying he is a great American and always puts his country first. One week later on July 22, 2024, Biden has an epiphany that he wants to do the right thing by standing down and endorsing Kamala Harris as his endorsed nominee.

Bravely he submits a letter to the Nation stating in the third paragraph;
“It has been the greatest honor of my life to serve as your President. And while it has been my intention to seek reelection, I believe it is in the best interest of my party (oh yeah) and the country for me to stand down and to focus solely on fulfilling my duties as President for the remainder of my term.”

It apparently took Joe Biden, etal, 24 days to figure out what should be done, and during that entire 24 Days we heard nothing from the Democratic power base, Pelosi, Schumer, Obama and Soros. I began wondering why that was the case. and what happened during that 24 day period……keeping in mind, resigning as the Democratic Parties (shoe in) Nomination for President of these United States is ONE HELL OF A BIG DEAL. It isn’t like they were deciding whether to wear a tie or not, or go out to eat or not, or to go to the movies or not, it was a MOMENTOUS DAMN DECISION, affecting 360 Million Americans, and the entire free World, and probably all of their unfree compatriots as well.
So what happened? On June 27th 2024, Joe and the Democratic Party knew they were in deep sugar. They knew the jig was up, and changes needed to be made. I am as sure as death that Joe and the Party came to an agreement in the first days that for stepping aside as Nominee, he would be allowed to finish his term “to focus solely…..”  So, Boil and Bubble Toil and Trouble, the Dems went to work hatching a plan, but all these issues were cropping up and they were having a tough time getting it straight. Kamala is all they had. Grewsome Newsom, as we call him here in California wouldn’t co-run as Veep, for obvious reasons….Kamala was his subordinate AG at one time. I’m sure Michele Obama and many of the others such as Whitmer, Beshar, Pritzker, Shapiro and even that bungling idiot Buttegieg didn’t want to fall on their swords either. But understand here, the process of trying to find someone and develop a plan had to take a lot of time and phone calls. Weeks I am sure.
You would think that the Party Powers-that-be would tell Biden to quit now, while he was ahead, and let Kamala finish his term. But wait. What if she screws it up and shows she isn’t Presidential Timber? Nope, better find a different plan, besides I’m betting Biden put up a big fight on this. What they are left with is hoping Kamala can pull off the Nomination, or by some divine happening a savior shows up August 19, 2024 in Chicago. You can easily imagine why it took so long for the Democrats to make up their mind.

WE GOT DUPED FOLKS. The last 24 Days hasn’t been a quest for doing what’s best for the Country, as every Democratic pundit and spokesman want you to believe. No it’s about Biden saving his “leg-ass-y” and the wishes of the elite Party bosses trying to make up their minds and agendas. Doing what is best for the country would have taken 24 hours at most.

Presidents Day……”Now Here’s The Deal Folks”

“Now here’s the deal folks”

Wow, it’s President’s Day, and we want to be the first to tell you Joe, how happy we all are with your Presidency and how thankful we are for all your hard work and all the wonderful things you have done for us and this wonderful country. Where should we begin.

Oh yes………we are so thankful for the wonderful work you have done for the country by cleaning up that mess at the border. Stopping the ugly wall construction was a master-stroke. It is so easy now for everyone to walk across the border. Swimming across is almost a thing of the past and it was so dangerous anyway. The money you have saved, can now be spent on education, housing and subsistance of those newcomers…..to hell with all those homeless folks already clogging our city streets. We love the holding facilities you have provided for our newcomers. What the heck if the odd kid gets lost or sodomised, gives them toughness, teaches them life has its ups and downs and if they survive, it makes them stronger. The citizens living near the border are ecstatic and over the top with all the newcomers roaming across their property. They are good citizens who can put up with the odd home invasion, property destruction, armed robbery and rape. Don’t give those good citizens another thought Joe, they are good law abiding, tax paying folks ready to follow your lead.
Oh yes………stopping the gas line and the gas hike was stroke of genius, although we bet AOC put that bug in your ear. We all are in awe of the deep thought process that came up with the idea to do away with fossil fuel, when we have only a century of supply remaining and no feasable solution for a replacement form of transportation for the rank and file. The Tesla just isn’t for everyone anyway…..right Joe? Maybe all the gas suppliers will pool their billions in profits and buy us all a state-of-the-art Genesis, and make all those rich Koreans richer.
Oh yes……..and Joe the incentive payment thing is profound. Everyone is so thankful that you are giving away your money to give them incentive is so generous. The increased tax idea is a little confusing as is the pilfering of retirement savings accounts, but what the heck Joe, “The Lord giveth and taketh away”, why shouldn’t you.
Oh yes………Joe what a shame that your idea to relieve student loans didn’t take come to fruition. The hell with those students that have already paid theirs off.
Oh yes………We could go on and on,but we don’t want you to get a swelled head……..or is it a fat head.

Joe……“Now here’s the real deal”. On this well deserved President’s Day we are all so happy with your performance, thoughtfulness and hard work, that we would like to give you a two year, all expenses paid vacation, to any place of your choice in the universe. We have a rocketship standing by waiting to wisk you and your entire family away. As you leave earths atmosphere, look back and see all the good folks waving and wishing you………..


Ulterior Motives – Certainly not Justice

Nadler and Friend

After the Rittenhouse Trial, our esteemed member of the House Judiciary Committee ranted that he would seek a retrial on Federal charges, because he was unhappy with the verdict, or for Second Amendment issues, or some other lame excuse or another. I kept thinking, why would he do this, and how could he do this. Isn’t there something like “Double Jeopardy” in the mix, or “the Decision of his Peers”, or , oh yeah, “Justice” to be consider here? As I considered the situation, it suddenly occurred to me that there can be only one reason for Nadler to say what he said…..and that is “Rock the Boat”, “Raise the Rabble” or just plain “Undermine the Legal System”.

Nadlers Support Group

Nadler has many friends and supporters in the (Mad)House, all of whom are of the highest character (in fact all of them are characters), morality (the strangest form of morality) and love of country (Just not this Country). It is easy to tell when Nadler and his Friends are Rabble Rousing…… their lips are moving.

It is really time we label this person and his buddies for who he and they are and that is “enemies of the Constitution of the United States”. All of them have sworn an oath to protect the Constitution, all of them have failed in their oaths, it is time for them to go. Please vote responsibly. If we don’t, the Biden’s, Nadler’s, AOC’s, Waters’, Schumer’s and Pelosi’s (Newsom’s In-law) will drag this country into the abyss.

Voters!!! We Just Aren’t That Supid

When each election is over I say to myself, “How can we as voters be so stupid as to reelect the same idiots, over and over again?” I mean we continue to reelect the likes of Maxine Waters, who ranted on national television “If you see them in a restaurant, confront them and tell them we don’t want them here”, referring to any Republican, but mainly President Trumps appointees, an obviously seditious act. Chuck Schumer, who pounded a podium and screamed, “Dump Trump, Dump Trump,” over and over again, an act that I thought to be very seditious as well, considering he is a United States Senator. Nancy Pelosi, who acts coquettish and bored and then tears up President Trumps State of the Union speech, which, by the way was one of the best ever given. AOC who tried to tell us we could wean our world off of fossil fuels in ten years, teach cows not to fart, and go all Electric even though Tesla says the world is incapable of producing enough electricity to power that many vehicles. Premier-racist Obama who consorted with Farrakhan, The Rev and Al Sharpton more than he did his own cabinet. Turn-coat, Never-Trumper Mitch McConnell, Bible Thumping, Never-Trumper turn-coat Mitt Romney, how do all these wastes of voters ink get reelected over and over again. I could name at least 50 more like; Omar, Warren and Hirono, but I try to keep my stories under 450 words.

I scratch my head and say it can’t possibly be voter stupidity. We just ain’t that dumb. I finally realized that it has to be voting fraud. It is the only possible answer. Somehow, someway the vote is being rigged. It became patently obvious to me when I went to bed with President Trump having the vote in the bag, and woke up to find Sleepy Joe caused a landslide in a bunker. Now everything is coming clear, thanks to the persistence of President Trump and many others that are trying to get to the bottom of the issue.

In the past, minor efforts were required to swing votes in one direction or another. Hence the beginning of the mail-in-ballot. One or two thousand votes here and there would propel a Representative, Senator or President into office unnoticed. But this one was different, way different. The cheaters knew that President Trump was going to win, and win by a large margin, after all he worked his ass off for it. Hence an extra helping of mail-in-ballots was required, 50 million or more.

If this is allowed to go on, we have lost the America we fought and died for. We can’t let this happen.

Pelosi Gets Pigged, We Pay The Price


Lets just say, for arguments sake, that my neighbor (one person) buys a bunch of hens and a Rooster. He doesn’t need the Rooster but he gets it anyway just to piss me off. To get back at him, I go over to his house in the dead of night and throw rotten eggs at his garage door. (I have to say that this wouldn’t happen because my driveway is 330 feet long, so at my age he’d nail me halfway home.) Anyway, lets just say I did that and got away with it. I can guarantee that if my neighbor called the police, he would end up cleaning it all up himself, fuming and , cussing, and the cops would toss his complaint in the round file. It’s the way things are if you are one of the little people, which my neighbor and I are.

No compare that to the Elite, someone like Nancy Pelosi, (Goddess of all she surveys). She pisses off 70 or 80 Million people and one of them does a number on her garage door, and she calls the police, guess what happens. They come, investigate and clean up, bow and scrape and probably put the FBI on the case, capture the poor soul and toss him or her in the clink for life. Oh yeah, I forgot, and the Media makes it a “Breaking News”, Mainline, Prime Time Event. There is a glaring difference in the treatment of those two situations isn’t there.

I don’t know about you folks, but this upsets me to the core. What are the old sayings? “Mess with the crab, you get the claw”, “What’s good for the Goose is good for the Gander”, “Do unto others”, “What goes around, comes around”,  “Judge not lest ye be judged”; there’s gotta be a million adages fitting this situation. We little people live by them every day, but for some reason, Pelosi gets to sit up there on her “High Horse” and command the skies to open and make all things right in her world, no matter what she does to screw it up. Oh yeah, I forgot, she gets to do that at our expense. The little folks always pay the price, don’t you know.

It is time to make things right. Enact Term Limits and get rid of career politicians that are only in it for what they alone can get out of it. She’ll get her Millions, We, The People will get jail time.

What Happened to MY Vote?

The first time I ever voted was Tuesday, November 8, 1960. I had just gotten out of the Navy and beginning my new life as a civilian. I remember being very excited at the polls and wanting to get it right. I am a staunch Republican, and I voted for John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who I though was the better candidate at that time. Now, sixty years later, I found myself at the polls, still excited, standing in front of the registrar giving her my name and address. She asked me if I had the ballot that I was sent in the mail and I replied, “No, I neither requested it, nor wanted it, because I vote at the polls, as I always have for the last 60 years. “Did you bring it with you?”, she asked. “No, I threw it in the garbage, full well expecting to vote at the polls like I have for the last 60 years.” I reiterated. “Then you will have to see that man over there and fill out a request for a ‘Provisional Ballot‘ “, she said. “No,” I said, my voice raising a decibel and an octave, “I just want a ballot to vote here at the polls like I have for the last 60 years.” I noticed a stiffening tension in the her and her other cohorts, as I held out my hand for my ballot. “We are sorry sir, but you must see that man over there for a provisional ballot.” I begrudgingly did what I was told and filled out the paper, and 20 minutes later voted ‘Provisionally‘, and walked out, feeling I had been raped.

On December 7, (A date that will live in infamy) 2020  , I received a buff colored voter notification card in the mail, from the Shasta County Clerk, saying that I had been registered to vote as of November 03, 2020, and it was valid for elections on or after 11/18/2020. “Hmmmmm”, I thought, as I picked up the phone to call the registrars office. A nice young gentlemen answered the phone and I explained my story to him and asked him if my provisional vote had counted on November 3, 2020. He put me on hold. When he returned, he told me that there was a note in my voting file (I had no idea it existed), that I had been registered to vote as of 11/18/2020, but that was all. No note that I had voted on 11/3/2020, like I have for the last 60 years at the polls.

That same day I wrote a letter to the esteemed Shasta County Clerk, asking for a written accounting of my vote, and as of today December 31, 2020 I have no answer.

I am going to start the New Year by going to the Clerks Office, to get my explanation. After 60 years of voting and good citizenship (when I was in country) I think I deserve an answer, don’t you?.

Independence Day

Independence is defined as “the fact of being independent”. The definition of independent is someone or something that is free from the influence or control of another. An example of independent is someone who lives on their own and supports them self.

Of course Independence Day was the name we gave the day we fought for and won our independence from British Rule. Starting in 1773 with the Boston Tea Party, America’s first major act of defiance against the all powerful British King George III, the Thirteen Colonies began their ten year battle for self rule, ending in the Treaty of Paris, on September 3, 1883. The story of that ten year period defines who we are as Americans. Thirteen individual Colonies, with their individual alliances and allegiances, had to first come together, then fight a unified war for American soil, and then finish off all ties fighting battles on the high seas before independence was finally achieved.

Some 6,800 Americans were killed in action, 6,100 wounded, and upwards of 20,000 were taken prisoner. It is believed that at least an additional 17,000 deaths were as the result of disease, including about 8,000–12,000 who died while prisoners of war. There was a definite price paid for Independence.

Since  that time many Americans have fought and died to insure that we maintain our independence from all tyranny. Any threat to independence is a threat to the United States, because we stand for independence, we are the poster child for freedom from tyranny. The American flag is the symbol for that awesome, world wide responsibility, and as Americans we strongheartedly and willingly shoulder that responsibility.

Cherish your freedom and independence, revere the Flag, and all it stands for, and remember those who paid the price.

Now you see it… Now you don’t. What are we……the Taliban?

The Budda of Bayan

The Buddas of Bayan in Afghanistan were crafted between 507 and 554 AD. The smaller was Shamama (“Queen Mother”) and stood 35 meters (115 Feet) tall; and the larger, Salsal (“light that shines through the universe”) stood 53 meters (174 Feet) high. These were magnificent examples of  the Gandhara style of statue construction. In 2001 the Taliban blew them to smithereens. They first used aircraft and tanks, to no avail, and finally a truck load of TNT did the job. POOF! Priceless history gone to mankind for eternity, all because one dumb-ass Mullah decided to do it. Mullah Omar spread his hatred through Islam.

We are tearing down statues all across the United States for reasons no wiser or convincing than dumb-ass Mullah Omar used. Today I read that the indigenous community is very upset with President Trump for wanting to hold a rally at Mount Rushmore, where similar edifices to the Buddas of Bayan reside. Rushmore eulogizes four great Presidents. One of those Presidents fought to free us from British Rule. One of those Presidents wrote our Declaration of Independence, the foundation of life in America. One of those Presidents fought to end slavery. One of those Presidents was the leader of the then Progressive Movement and a Conservationist who championed National Parks and the eternal preservation of our native lands. The indigenous community labels those Presidents as “Disgusting Images of White Supremacy”.

It doesn’t take much of a genius to understand the magnificence of statuary, but it does take a major dumb-ass to tear a statue down for fear it is a current threat to our society.

I’m a Normalist

Today it seems that everyone needs an identity. “I identify as a……………………person”, is a common response these days. Growing up, I was completely aware of big dogs and little dogs; black, yellow, brown and white humans; fat cats and skinny cats; mens rooms, ladies rooms and unisex rooms; colored and white water fountains (for a brief period in my life); tall, short, fat, skinny, hairy, bald, pretty, not so pretty people, natives and foreigners and everything in-between in my sphere of awareness. I kind of thought that everything was normal, the way it was, part of the scene, what was happening.

I identify as a NORMALIST person. A Normalist person is one who believes something to be the normal state of things, not requiring remediation. I don’t give a rats ass how you identify, you are who you are…………….normal.

Living in a Third World Country

I’m living in a third world country 217 miles north of San Francisco, just off the I-5 in Redding California. My internet speed averages 12.5 Mbps, and my power goes off on such a regular basis that I had to install a 20Kw standby generator, and a 500 gal propane tank to power it. My internet (partial) provider is AT&T and my electiricity (partial) provider is PG&E.

The summer hasn’t even officially started and already PG&E has put us through a 24 hour power outage. Last evening, it was still light out, the power went off in the middle of Season 6, Episode 2 of Ray Donovan. When we watch Ray Donovan at 12.5 Mbps, on AT&T Broadband, we watch the little round circle go around almost as long as you watch the show. Every 15 minutes everything stops, the little round circle starts going around, and 30 seconds later you get a message the internet is SLOW. Typically at that point we go through a series of button pressing and power on/off exercises, (you know, “Turn off the power to the modem, count to 10 and plug it in again.”).

Last night we were treated to something new, something to break the monotony, the screen just went black. I dutifully began pressing buttons, pulling power plugs, but nothing happened. “Something’s wrong”, I thought. I concluded that we had been treated to a Bi-Fecta, a Double Whammy, a One-Two punch. PG&E and AT&T teamed up for a WTF.

We Third Worlders pay the same, if not more than you folks in the Real World for all these modern conveniences like electricity and broadband. You would think that there is some sort of obligation, on the part of our provider’s AT&T and PG&E, to provide us with similar quality of service. Well that’s what we thought too, but we have come to find out that they are the only game in our neck of the woods and their answer is “take it or leave it”. What is this Thrid World of Redding, California. coming to?