Presidents Day……”Now Here’s The Deal Folks”

“Now here’s the deal folks”

Wow, it’s President’s Day, and we want to be the first to tell you Joe, how happy we all are with your Presidency and how thankful we are for all your hard work and all the wonderful things you have done for us and this wonderful country. Where should we begin.

Oh yes………we are so thankful for the wonderful work you have done for the country by cleaning up that mess at the border. Stopping the ugly wall construction was a master-stroke. It is so easy now for everyone to walk across the border. Swimming across is almost a thing of the past and it was so dangerous anyway. The money you have saved, can now be spent on education, housing and subsistance of those newcomers… hell with all those homeless folks already clogging our city streets. We love the holding facilities you have provided for our newcomers. What the heck if the odd kid gets lost or sodomised, gives them toughness, teaches them life has its ups and downs and if they survive, it makes them stronger. The citizens living near the border are ecstatic and over the top with all the newcomers roaming across their property. They are good citizens who can put up with the odd home invasion, property destruction, armed robbery and rape. Don’t give those good citizens another thought Joe, they are good law abiding, tax paying folks ready to follow your lead.
Oh yes………stopping the gas line and the gas hike was stroke of genius, although we bet AOC put that bug in your ear. We all are in awe of the deep thought process that came up with the idea to do away with fossil fuel, when we have only a century of supply remaining and no feasable solution for a replacement form of transportation for the rank and file. The Tesla just isn’t for everyone anyway…..right Joe? Maybe all the gas suppliers will pool their billions in profits and buy us all a state-of-the-art Genesis, and make all those rich Koreans richer.
Oh yes……..and Joe the incentive payment thing is profound. Everyone is so thankful that you are giving away your money to give them incentive is so generous. The increased tax idea is a little confusing as is the pilfering of retirement savings accounts, but what the heck Joe, “The Lord giveth and taketh away”, why shouldn’t you.
Oh yes………Joe what a shame that your idea to relieve student loans didn’t take come to fruition. The hell with those students that have already paid theirs off.
Oh yes………We could go on and on,but we don’t want you to get a swelled head……..or is it a fat head.

Joe……“Now here’s the real deal”. On this well deserved President’s Day we are all so happy with your performance, thoughtfulness and hard work, that we would like to give you a two year, all expenses paid vacation, to any place of your choice in the universe. We have a rocketship standing by waiting to wisk you and your entire family away. As you leave earths atmosphere, look back and see all the good folks waving and wishing you………..


Back Again – I Miss You


It has been awhile since we last visited. This morning I was doing my usual Social Media stuff, and decided to visit my website , and read through the last ten or so posts and had several realizations. One…….man it has been a long time since I posted (November 20, 2021); Two…….man I really enjoyed what I read; and Three…… I had an epiphany (a usually sudden manifestation or perception of the essential nature or meaning of something;  an intuitive grasp of reality through something (such as an event) usually simple and striking;an illuminating discovery, realization, or disclosure). I really liked what I had written.

OK, so now you are probably thinking ‘What a pompus ass this guy is’. Well maybe so/maybe not, but this is where the epiphany kicks in.

More years ago than I’m willing to admit, I took a couple of night Literature Courses at Ventura JC in Southern California, I was stationed at a nearby Naval Airbase – Point Mugu, where I was an Aviation Guidedmissleman Third Class, testing Sidewinders, Sparrow 111’s and Bullpup’s. I really enjoyed the Lit Courses. The Courses broke the boredom of my military incarceration, and gave me a chance to express myself.

When Final Exam time came, I walked into the classroom, and there was a sentence written on the blackboard;

“Bubbles I blow, Beads I Twist, all the rest is darkness and conjecture.” With the verbal instruction “Write about this, you have one hour.”

Hmmmm, I thought, and then it hit me. I sat down and wrote feverishly for the full hour. The gist of what I wrote was; “as an author, you write and write and write and yet when all is said, written and done, you never know what your reader will read.” In other words how will the reader interpret what you have written and did you get across what you wanted to get across, i.e. Did your reader get it?

Todays epiphany was………when writing, I smirk when I am writing smirk, I smile when I am writing funny, cry when I am writing sad, and mad as hell when I am writing rant. When I re-read my old posts I immediately smirked, smiled, cried, and got mad as hell in all the right places and enjoyed the read immensely………BUT what does the average reader do?…..there is the epiphany.

I’m thinking that I should preface each post with “Smile when you read this, or cry when you read this, smirk, or get mad as hell when you read this. What do you think?

OH, by the way……..I got the only A+ on the exam and the course.