Presidents Day……”Now Here’s The Deal Folks”

“Now here’s the deal folks”

Wow, it’s President’s Day, and we want to be the first to tell you Joe, how happy we all are with your Presidency and how thankful we are for all your hard work and all the wonderful things you have done for us and this wonderful country. Where should we begin.

Oh yes………we are so thankful for the wonderful work you have done for the country by cleaning up that mess at the border. Stopping the ugly wall construction was a master-stroke. It is so easy now for everyone to walk across the border. Swimming across is almost a thing of the past and it was so dangerous anyway. The money you have saved, can now be spent on education, housing and subsistance of those newcomers… hell with all those homeless folks already clogging our city streets. We love the holding facilities you have provided for our newcomers. What the heck if the odd kid gets lost or sodomised, gives them toughness, teaches them life has its ups and downs and if they survive, it makes them stronger. The citizens living near the border are ecstatic and over the top with all the newcomers roaming across their property. They are good citizens who can put up with the odd home invasion, property destruction, armed robbery and rape. Don’t give those good citizens another thought Joe, they are good law abiding, tax paying folks ready to follow your lead.
Oh yes………stopping the gas line and the gas hike was stroke of genius, although we bet AOC put that bug in your ear. We all are in awe of the deep thought process that came up with the idea to do away with fossil fuel, when we have only a century of supply remaining and no feasable solution for a replacement form of transportation for the rank and file. The Tesla just isn’t for everyone anyway…..right Joe? Maybe all the gas suppliers will pool their billions in profits and buy us all a state-of-the-art Genesis, and make all those rich Koreans richer.
Oh yes……..and Joe the incentive payment thing is profound. Everyone is so thankful that you are giving away your money to give them incentive is so generous. The increased tax idea is a little confusing as is the pilfering of retirement savings accounts, but what the heck Joe, “The Lord giveth and taketh away”, why shouldn’t you.
Oh yes………Joe what a shame that your idea to relieve student loans didn’t take come to fruition. The hell with those students that have already paid theirs off.
Oh yes………We could go on and on,but we don’t want you to get a swelled head……..or is it a fat head.

Joe……“Now here’s the real deal”. On this well deserved President’s Day we are all so happy with your performance, thoughtfulness and hard work, that we would like to give you a two year, all expenses paid vacation, to any place of your choice in the universe. We have a rocketship standing by waiting to wisk you and your entire family away. As you leave earths atmosphere, look back and see all the good folks waving and wishing you………..


Ulterior Motives – Certainly not Justice

Nadler and Friend

After the Rittenhouse Trial, our esteemed member of the House Judiciary Committee ranted that he would seek a retrial on Federal charges, because he was unhappy with the verdict, or for Second Amendment issues, or some other lame excuse or another. I kept thinking, why would he do this, and how could he do this. Isn’t there something like “Double Jeopardy” in the mix, or “the Decision of his Peers”, or , oh yeah, “Justice” to be consider here? As I considered the situation, it suddenly occurred to me that there can be only one reason for Nadler to say what he said…..and that is “Rock the Boat”, “Raise the Rabble” or just plain “Undermine the Legal System”.

Nadlers Support Group

Nadler has many friends and supporters in the (Mad)House, all of whom are of the highest character (in fact all of them are characters), morality (the strangest form of morality) and love of country (Just not this Country). It is easy to tell when Nadler and his Friends are Rabble Rousing…… their lips are moving.

It is really time we label this person and his buddies for who he and they are and that is “enemies of the Constitution of the United States”. All of them have sworn an oath to protect the Constitution, all of them have failed in their oaths, it is time for them to go. Please vote responsibly. If we don’t, the Biden’s, Nadler’s, AOC’s, Waters’, Schumer’s and Pelosi’s (Newsom’s In-law) will drag this country into the abyss.

What Happened to MY Vote?

The first time I ever voted was Tuesday, November 8, 1960. I had just gotten out of the Navy and beginning my new life as a civilian. I remember being very excited at the polls and wanting to get it right. I am a staunch Republican, and I voted for John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who I though was the better candidate at that time. Now, sixty years later, I found myself at the polls, still excited, standing in front of the registrar giving her my name and address. She asked me if I had the ballot that I was sent in the mail and I replied, “No, I neither requested it, nor wanted it, because I vote at the polls, as I always have for the last 60 years. “Did you bring it with you?”, she asked. “No, I threw it in the garbage, full well expecting to vote at the polls like I have for the last 60 years.” I reiterated. “Then you will have to see that man over there and fill out a request for a ‘Provisional Ballot‘ “, she said. “No,” I said, my voice raising a decibel and an octave, “I just want a ballot to vote here at the polls like I have for the last 60 years.” I noticed a stiffening tension in the her and her other cohorts, as I held out my hand for my ballot. “We are sorry sir, but you must see that man over there for a provisional ballot.” I begrudgingly did what I was told and filled out the paper, and 20 minutes later voted ‘Provisionally‘, and walked out, feeling I had been raped.

On December 7, (A date that will live in infamy) 2020  , I received a buff colored voter notification card in the mail, from the Shasta County Clerk, saying that I had been registered to vote as of November 03, 2020, and it was valid for elections on or after 11/18/2020. “Hmmmmm”, I thought, as I picked up the phone to call the registrars office. A nice young gentlemen answered the phone and I explained my story to him and asked him if my provisional vote had counted on November 3, 2020. He put me on hold. When he returned, he told me that there was a note in my voting file (I had no idea it existed), that I had been registered to vote as of 11/18/2020, but that was all. No note that I had voted on 11/3/2020, like I have for the last 60 years at the polls.

That same day I wrote a letter to the esteemed Shasta County Clerk, asking for a written accounting of my vote, and as of today December 31, 2020 I have no answer.

I am going to start the New Year by going to the Clerks Office, to get my explanation. After 60 years of voting and good citizenship (when I was in country) I think I deserve an answer, don’t you?.

!!!News Flash Gavin – Climate Change Is Here!!! Has Been For The Last 4.6 Billion Years.

“At least 75 major temperature swings in the last 4,500 years.”

Gavin…….there have been at least 75 major temperature swings in the last 4,500 years, the graph above shows 13 of them. As much as you would have us think; the earth does not revolve around California, nor the Governors Mansion, nor your self anointed fat little head. The earth wobbles and revolves on an axis that, in its imperfection, is causing all sorts of issues. The plates move, the magma spews, the Sahara becomes Eden every 20,000 years or so, and living objects on earth adapt or perish. You talk about Climate Change as if it is stoppable, and you are the only person on Earth  that can accomplish it……. Well with exception of that other idiot AOC.

President Trump chastised you for not taking care of California’s forests last week, and you cried “You don’t believe in climate change. You are excused from this conversation.” Climate Change is inevitable, it has gone on for 4.6 Billion (with a B) years. As a practical man, the President has asked you to understand climate change and to learn to live with it. We can all head for cooler climes or we can get busy learning how to live with the one we’ve got. For God’s-Sake, California will burn to the ground a thousand times before you can spend enough money to alter Climate Change.

As always, your mouth continues to motor on, and somehow, by default, you are always part of the conversation. I suggest you press the “mute” button, and follow in your predecessor’s footsteps and join a monastery somewhere and do some deep soul searching. You might find out that you are not the center of the universe after all and that you can really do some good for society as a whole (not just your misguided constituency).  See the real problems, Gavin. Climate Cycles are longer than the next news cycle, or the next election cycle. Start making REAL DECISIONS.



Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Friendly is defined as being pleasant. Generous is defined as showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected. Considerate is defined as being careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others.
When you look at the photograph above, the young man is certainly exibiting kindness; he is definitely giving more of himself than expected; and he is being careful not to inconvenience or harm the handicapped lady yet he is certainly being being inconvenienced and experiencing unpleasantness by getting wet or possibly ill.
So do we have a dilema? Is the definition of kindness above a complete one?
If we look harder at the picture we might see that the young man has a smile and a look of satisfaction on his face, the onlookers are thinking what a nice young man he is, and the lady has a thankful look. Maybe minutes later a shop owner runs out with a towel for the young man, or a barista brings him a cup of warm coffee, or several others come out and open the car door and assist the lady into her car, or a policeman pulls up and stops traffic.
I have been afforded kindness, and each time the experience has etched itself into my memory and stitched itself into the fabric of my human experience.
I think a better definition of kindness might be; “the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate; to your own inconvenience and possible harm; knowing the action has made you, the person to whom you have extended the kindness, and the world in general, become better for your efforts.”
Extend kindness. If you have recieved kindness, cherish it.

Rule The Roost POTUS

All  of the News Media (except FOX ) treat our President; rudely, disrespectfully and deceiptfully, and in return they expect to run rampant in White House news conferences. They treat Sarah Huckabee appallingly and demean the purpose of a news conference. They all think that this is their personal venue and they can perform as they please. This is disgraceful, and is robbing the American people of a clear source of information delivered by our President. At one point President Trump was so exasperated, he left the dais pacing and seething and I thought he was going to deck the CNN jerk, but he took deep breaths and returned to his task. This is the reaction of a frustrated man, not the tyrant the media paints him to be. I watched the entire episode yesterday, wishing I could see more, but fully understanding why he is reluctant to participate. It was crystal clear to me that the prime time media was there to derail the President, not to hear his news. Mr. President, I have the answer for you.

Rules and Regulations for POTUS News Conferences.

Rule 1: Not a sound may be uttered by the press without being recognized by the President, i.e., no talking with your neighbors, no handraising and yelling “Mr. President” like unruley school children having to go #2, and no unsolicited interruptions.
Rule 2: When you are recognized by the President; you will stand; receive the microphone; ask one, one part, question, without diatribe; return the microphone and sit down; remaining quiet until your question is answered. He may ask you to clarify. You will stand and answer his request and sit down again, remaining quiet.
The President will answer your question, and move on to the next person he decides to recognize.
Rule 3: If you break Rule 1 or 2, you will be told to leave the conference. If you stubbornly fail to leave you will be forcefully removed, and your press conference permits revoked….forever.

Mr.President, please get control of these idiots calling themselves journalists, they don’t report what you say anyway. I want to hear what you have to say from your mouth, in your words. I see how the media twists your words and misrepresents you intentions so blatently, and I am tired of it. They are using their freedom of speech to deny yours.


What Is The Mueller Investigation?

In 2016 we witnessed an election being won by hard work, guile, bluster in the truest American Spirit. Little Marco, Lyin Ted, Cheating Hillary, Low Energy Jeb, “Lock Her Up”, Billy Bush, Basket of Deplorables, Stormy, you name it, we heard it. One of the wildest rollercoaster rides I have every witnessed in my 59 voting years. At the end, the Dems rent a Glass Ceilinged Arena through which to launch their shoe-in candidate; and the Reps hunkered down in their election eve headquarters not believing they could win. As I sat and watched the returns I couldn’t help remembering Donald Trump flying into our little rural town of Redding, CA Airport, just days before the election, where he stood exhausted at a podium with an “Elect Trump/Pence” sign precariously hanging ready to fall off, telling us he spoke from his heart and ‘notes on the back of an envelope’. I said to myself. This guy is a worker, he’s rich but not an elitist, he is doing everything he can to win. Then on November 8, 2016 it is heard, throughout the land, Donald Trump Wins”. And he won it fair and square.

On May 17, 2019, five months after inauguration the Mueller Investigation begins to investigate Russian Meddling in the elections. The Clinton Machine then begins a hue and cry accusing the President. Strock, Paige, Comey, McCabe instantly become household names. Flynn and Manafort are indited and convicted of everything but meddling. Heads fall, but none of them have the Trump coif. We are 19 month and some $20 Million into this fiasco and Mueller announces that there will be no findings made until after the mid-term elections. Why? Why wait?

When I have had enough of political shenanigans I go “putter”. I go to my man cave, out in my tractor shed, and build bird houses. To keep me company I listen to the EIB (Excellence in Broadcasting) Network and try to make sense of it all. Yesterday Rush was discussing what he thinks the Mueller tactics might mean, and had much to say, as you might expect.
1.) One theory is – The Special Counsel, in all is rightousness (the quality of being morally right or justifiable), must never do anything that could be interpreted as “interfering in elections“. Rush said there might even be a law or rule that demands that. That doesn’t pass the sniff test for me, because the Mueller Investigation is nothing but interfering with elections. It was all established and fed by the Democratic/Clinton machines with one thing in mind and one thing only, sink Presidnet Trump.
2.) Theory 2 – Mueller isn’t finished yet. He is still waiting for something to surface that will smear President Trump and give rise to impeachment. Makes sense.
3.) Theory 3 – Mueller and company hasn’t earned enough money yet. Mueller (as distinguished jurist) and Comey (FBI Director, etc.) have been a tag team for years setting each other up with lucrative jobs earning each other millions of dollars each. The gravy train hasn’t arrived at the station yet. Holds water.
4.) Theroy 4 – There isn’t enough information yet for anyone to write a book.Could be, but I doubt it.
5.) Theory 5 – It might make; a) Mueller look bad; b) the DOJ look bad; c) the Clintons look bad; d) the entire Democratic Party look bad; e) All of the above. Now somehow that rings true to me assuming Mueller has the balls to tell the truth. What do you think?

Why President Trump hasn’t fired the whole damn bunch, baffles me. The whole thing is a farce and a hoax and a huge waste of taxpayer’s hard earned cash. The people of America have not benefitted one iota. Why do we have to continually have to suffer this foolishness?


Really, Ranking Member? REALLY?

Can I no longer believe my eyes and ears? Can I no longer trust anything people say? Am I the only one seeing and listening? Please help me, I am drowning in a sea of uncertainty and disbelief? GLUG, GLug, Glug, glug, glu, gl, g. bloop.

1.) The Ranking Member said she received “The Letter” from Dr. Ford “in July”. For accuracies sake lets say July 15.
2.) “The Letter” is leaked six weeks later (say September 1)
3.) Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh go through a three week “living hell”, death threats, slander and libel, name calling, pure character assassination and utter distruction of their personal personal reputaions.
4.) On September 27 and 28, Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh testify before the “Senate Judiciary Committee”. (The United States Senate Committee on the Judiciary, informally the Senate Judiciary Committee, is a standing committee of 21 U.S. Senators whose role is to oversee the Department of Justice, consider executive nominations, and review pending legislation.) Their task on the 27th and 28th was to report to the Senate that they did or didn’t recommend Judge Kavanaugh to become a Supreme Court Judge.

The world watched the entire fiasco play out on televisions “gavel to gavel coverage”, and when all was said and done, the Committee in all their indecisive wisdom chose to delay everything for one more week. Democrats smiled and hugged eachother, Republicans shook their heads and Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh just shook at the thought of another 7days of death threats and character assassination.

What really should have happened?
1.) The Ranking Member should have received the letter on July 15th, read the letter immediately contacted Dr. Ford.
2.) The Ranking Member should have asked Dr. Ford if she had any corroborating evidence.
3.) When the answer was no, the Ranking Member should have thanked Dr. Ford for her doing her civic duty, that she, the Ranking Member, could not drag Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh through the mud with unsubstantiated accusations.
4.) If Dr. Ford insisted she wanted to go ahead, the Ranking Member should have informed the Chair of what she had immediately (July 16th) and asked for an Investigation into the matter, BEHIND CLOSD DOORS. The American people and especially the Creepy Porn Lawyer should never have known about this.

None of the following 9 weeks should have happened, unless of course it was the Ranking Members intention to smear Judge Kavanaugh and derail the Committee process. Even if Judge Kavanaugh is guilty of a High School indescretion that occured 36 years ago, he does not deserve to have his entire life nullified. I am appalled Ranking Member. You have made a mockery of the “Rule of Law”. You have lied, leaked and cheated the American People out of a highly qualified Supreme Court Justice Candidate. The Ranking Member needs to be severed from the body. The Ranking Member has just become the Rankest Member.  Mr. Flake certainly is.

Sedition – I Want Action

A Letter I would Like to Write

Dear Attorney General of the United States,
noun    1. conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch, President.
The First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Where does the First Amendment end, and The Act of Sedition begin?
Maxine Waters recently called for the shaming of Trump Administration employees, at a ralley, screamingWhere ever you find them (Trump Administration Cabinet members); in a restaurant,  a department store, a gas station…….tell them they are not welcome, tell them we don’t want them here any longer.
The same weekend Kirstjen Nielsen and here husband were screamed out o a Mexican Restaurant. Prior to that Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were screamed from a restaurant in Lexington, Virginia.
President Trump and his Administration have been  openly harrassed from their first day in office by; Maxine “Shame Them” Waters, Elisabeth “Pocahontas” Warren;  Chuck “Dump Trump” Schumer, Nancy “Viva MS-13” Pelosi and many others of the Democratic Party.
Their behavior has impeded the orderly conduct of business in Washington for too long now, and it is time to review the laws on the books that deal with such issues and take action to remove these people from Government.
Dick Jacobsen