Attorney General Barr has just made a momentous decision that I want to share with you all. Barr announced that he will not be investigating past President Obama and Past Vice President Biden for the so called Obamagate issues. He said, and I quote, “The criminal justice system will not be used for partisan political ends.”
Lets just think about that for a moment. Obamagate is, according to President Trump, the unjust targeting of his staff (General Flynn, Paul Manafort, etal) to try and accuse newly, duly elected President Donald Trump of colluding with Russia to meddle in the 2016 elections. For two excruciating years we tolerantly watched and listened to Robert Mueller and his merry band of ‘criminal justice system members‘ use the ‘criminal justice system‘ in an unfounded attempt to unseat President Trump. Senators, Congressmen and Congresswomen, past Presidents and Secretaries of State, Attorneys, even all levels of the FBI (for God’s sake), lied, created fake dossiers, and misled the American Public in a futile attempt to satisfy ‘partisan political ends‘, and unjustly impeach a sitting President.
Attorney General Barr you should be ashamed of yourself and you should be immediately removed from your exhaulted office for not doing your Constitutionally appointed job of protecting the United States and its duly elected President. President Trump has suffered immeasurably and yet has done more for this country than all of the rest of you jerks, or should I say, in spite of all of you jerks put together.
The President has been wrongly accused and deserves his day in court. How dare you hide behind a cheap, self-rightious, meaningless oxymoron as “The Criminal Justice System will not be used for partisan political ends”. The other partisans have been using the ‘criminal justice system’ (of which you are so proud), with abandon for the last 12 years, or haven’t you noticed.