Government Wisdom and other Oxymorons


Attorney General Barr has just made a momentous decision that I want to share with you all. Barr announced  that he will not be investigating past President Obama and Past Vice President Biden for the so called Obamagate issues. He said, and I quote, “The criminal justice system will not be used for partisan political ends.”

Lets just think about that for a moment. Obamagate is, according to President Trump, the unjust targeting of his staff (General Flynn, Paul Manafort, etal) to try and accuse newly, duly elected President Donald Trump of colluding with Russia to meddle in the 2016 elections. For two excruciating years we tolerantly watched and listened to Robert Mueller and his merry band of ‘criminal justice system members‘ use the ‘criminal justice system‘ in an unfounded attempt to unseat President Trump. Senators, Congressmen and Congresswomen, past Presidents and Secretaries of State, Attorneys, even all levels of the FBI (for God’s sake), lied, created fake dossiers, and misled the American Public in a futile attempt to satisfy ‘partisan political ends‘, and unjustly impeach a sitting President.

Attorney General Barr you should be ashamed of yourself and you should be immediately removed from your exhaulted office for not doing your Constitutionally appointed job of protecting the United States and its duly elected President. President Trump has suffered immeasurably and yet has done more for this country than all of the rest of you jerks, or should I say, in spite of all of you jerks put together.

The President has been wrongly accused and deserves his day in court. How dare you hide behind a cheap, self-rightious, meaningless oxymoron as “The Criminal Justice System will not be used for partisan political ends”. The other partisans have been using the ‘criminal justice system’ (of which you are so proud), with abandon for the last 12 years, or haven’t you noticed.


Dear Kamala – Letters I’d Like to Write

Dear Kamala,

Your pose on your coming-out poster appears to be an emotional, ernest appeal to your would-be voters to see you as a sincere champion of the people, wanting nothing for yourself, and everything “For Our Country“. Kamala; the Lotus Flower, with purity of the body, speech and mind; the bringer of truth and clarity “For Our Country“. That was Day One.

Day Two was a different story. Full of yourself and your vast government experience, you strode upon the world stage and began what I assume is going to be a two year bashing of “Our Country’s President“, rather than initiating a rousing campaign to find the truth “For Our Country“. You made the comment (and I paraphrase); “Here it is Day 31 of the Shutdown, people are suffering and Trump is still embarked on his EGO (pet, signature, ?) Project to build the wall”.

Just for clarity’s sake, Kamala, Donald Trump began and ended his campaign with a tireless, energetic, whirlwind swing around, and around “Our Country” trying to understand what the people want from their President. He went everywhere, including “Our Little Part Of Our Country“, Redding, California. By the time he got to us he was rumpled and tired. Standing hunched over the podium, the Trump/Pence sign hanging askew, he folded up his envelope notes, stuffed them in his wrinkled coat and started speaking from his heart. He had heard from nearly all the people in “Our Country“, and laid out his promises. He knew that the rank and file was restless and aching to hear from him what is best “For Our Country“.  Fresh from the Kate Steinle murder, he announced what 63 Million American voters wanted to hear, he was going to secure the Southern Border. I, the first generation son of naturalized Danish-American immigrants, plus 63 Million voters, plus I’ll wager 30 Million Democrats, want a border that works, that protects us.

You have a very good chance of going far, Lotus Blossum, don’t squander your opportunity on party line. Live your mantra “For Our Country“. Lack or sincerity among the elected is wearing very thin, just ask Elisabeth.

Good Luck, you are going to need it.

Dear Naomi Osaka – You’re A Winner

Dear Naomi,

I’m not a tennis fan, but I am particularly disenchanted with your US Open Finals opponent and the crowd that watched you triumphantly defeat her. (That should clear the air). I do want you to know that you are a winner, and I applaud you for your stunning win over your opponent. What happened after the final set point was outrageous and reprehensible.
Having to deal with a cheating opponent, breaking rackets, calling out judges, playing the race card and playing the #metoo card, all in one heated irrational tantrum is more than your should have had to withstand to seal your win.
What happened, Dear Naomi, was that a petulant, elitist, brute and her adoring mob of followers and her hand-signaling coach were hell bent on a come-back win to show the world that she could have a child and still return to the number one slot. I’m not saying that she couldn’t, but I am saying that she didn’t, and because she didn’t she had to blame others for her lack of performance, and try to steal your thunder at the awards ceremony. This is what petulant elitists do with impunity; you are probably too young to remember John McEnroe.
My purpose in writing this is make sure you understand that you beat her fair and square, you bested her that day and you are going to go on doing that for many years to come. You are a star in every sense and the fact that you endured that cheesy public display and went on to win makes your star shine even brighter. Excellent, excellent job.

Dick Jacobsen

Dear Nancy Armour – Letters I’d Like To Write

Dear Nancy,
I think I am as bewildered as you look. Either I missed the boat, or your bewilderment stands in testament to your lack of understanding of one genuflecting Colin Kaepernick. Nobody was ever interested in silencing #7. Nobody cared about his Afro (although I have to admit it did tweak me a little, cuz it sort of harmonized with the fist pumping a former black-activist embraced). Nobody really cared that he took a knee.

As far as I know, the only thing that the majority of people protested to was the fact that he chose to do his constitutionally guaranteed activities during the National Anthym and the parading of our National Flag in the time honored pre-game slot. In other words defame, disparage and denigrate the symbols that all true American’s  hold dear. The toxicity released by those jestures is untenable to the majority of patriotic Americans.

I agree with you the NFL and the owners have handled the situation miserably, but they certainly haven’t done that in a racist spirit as you suggest. By the same token I wholeheartedly disagree with you that Nike is performing some humanitarian act to put the NFL and owners on notice to solve the problem.

The truth is Kaepernick doesn’t have a job because he is personally so toxic that no team wants to take him on on any capacity; and Nike, the NFL, and the NFL Owners a acting for one reason and one reason only, making the almighty buck. That’s Capitalism baby.

Sincerely, Dick

Sedition – I Want Action

A Letter I would Like to Write

Dear Attorney General of the United States,
noun    1. conduct or speech inciting people to rebel against the authority of a state or monarch, President.
The First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Where does the First Amendment end, and The Act of Sedition begin?
Maxine Waters recently called for the shaming of Trump Administration employees, at a ralley, screamingWhere ever you find them (Trump Administration Cabinet members); in a restaurant,  a department store, a gas station…….tell them they are not welcome, tell them we don’t want them here any longer.
The same weekend Kirstjen Nielsen and here husband were screamed out o a Mexican Restaurant. Prior to that Sarah Huckabee Sanders and her family were screamed from a restaurant in Lexington, Virginia.
President Trump and his Administration have been  openly harrassed from their first day in office by; Maxine “Shame Them” Waters, Elisabeth “Pocahontas” Warren;  Chuck “Dump Trump” Schumer, Nancy “Viva MS-13” Pelosi and many others of the Democratic Party.
Their behavior has impeded the orderly conduct of business in Washington for too long now, and it is time to review the laws on the books that deal with such issues and take action to remove these people from Government.
Dick Jacobsen

In Honor of Excellence


June 17, 2018

Dear Joe Buck,

I’d like to explain excellence to you, because obviously you have no idea of its meaning. Sports professionals are measureded by their statistics, or the feats they have accomplished thus far in their careers. Phil Mickelson has won 43 times on tour; he has 3 Masters Green Jackets (one of 16 professionals to ever have accomplished that); 1 PGA; 1 Open; 16 times runner-up at the US Open; 700 weeks (13.5 years) in the top 10; and World Golf Hall of Famer. His 34 plus years; 26 Professional, plus University and High School; in golf uniquely qualify him as far a knowledge, capability and commitment to the sport are concerned.  He has the respect of his peers (of which Joe Buck you are not one), he has the love of golf fans in the galleries that follow him all over  the world, he has the trust and respect of his demanding long-time sponsors like Rolex, Workaday, Callaway, Titleist, Barclays and Ford. I think one would conclude from that resumé, Phil knows what he is doing on a golf course and understands the importance of maintaining high standards.

Yesterday at the US Open, on the thirteenth hole Phil saw a losing battle with his putter, and with split-second decisiveness, decided to out-sprint a runaway missed putt and backhand it on the fly, fully aware that he would incur a 2 stroke penalty. The smile to “Beef” was a knowing one, not a sign of disrespect for the game.

Joe Buck, a career sportscaster, with a controvercial background, with known disrespect for his colorists, decided in his infinite lack of wisdom to lable Phil a paraiah, disrespectful of not only the course and the Open, but of his livelehood as well. Wake up Joe Buck, and show some respect for the hard working professionals you sportscast. You and your twin Jim Nance need a long hard lesson in humility, or is that not a word in your vocabulary.

Dick Jacobsen