A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.
I thank my Danish born, Naturalized American Mother for my love of words. She always told me that if I wasn’t sure what a word meant, I shouldn’t use it. “Always look it up in the dictionary first,” She advised. In those days, ‘look it up in the dictionary‘ meant going to the bookshelf, opening the largest and heaviest book there and leafing through many, very thin pages to find your answer, taking several minutes. Because Mom was insistant, I looked up the words, but I am sure I was among the few. Today we have Google, answer in seconds, there is no excuse. Words can be tricky.
Take, for instance the words, dumb and stupid. People seem the use the words interchangeably. No doubt because they have never looked them up. I have often made the statement that “I was really dumb in highschool, but I wasn’t stupid.”
Dumb: Mute, speechless, toungtied, at a loss for words.
Stupid: Lacking intelligence or common sense.
I used to think that vilified meant; excused, acquitted, but now I know that it means belittled, desparaged, libeled.
Untenable used to mean; not useable, incorrect, unworthy. We all know it means; weak, unsound, shakey.
There are probably hundreds of examples, all to which I elude, seem to allude me at the moment. Whether you play with them or just communicate with them, make sure to use the right ones, look them up.
So glad she’s home. A beautiful life spared. She is not without scars, but has no wounds that can’t be healed.
The first Thanksgiving occurred in 1621, to celebrate the very first harvest. It was attended by 90 Native Americans and 53 Pilgrams. It lasted for three days. This years celebration will be the 395th in our American history. My favorite Holiday of all. Keep the celebration alive. Give thanks.
The past year, and especially the last three months, have been chaotic. The free-wheeling press emitted a spew of bias, so blatant, that I felt that I had to create my own counter attack. At first I was embarrassed for the time honored fourth estate, but later, as reality of what they were doing set in, I became angry. I virtually dedicated my blog to the support of Trump and avenging my perceived analysis of political reporting.
What I ended up doing was spewing bias of a different sort, falsely believing that I was creating fairness. I was wrong, and I apologize to all of you.
Bias: Prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.
Antonyms of Bias are: Fairness, Tolerance, Justice, Antipathy, Impartiality. Considerations of fairness.
Debate: A formal discussion on a particular topic in a public meeting or legislative assembly, in which opposing arguments are put forward.
What I sould have done, instead of screaming my bias, was study: “Why was the media doing what they were doing?”; “What does Trump really stand for?”; “What did Clinton really stand for?”, and try to debate the facts. I now know the answers to those questions, but I didn’t know them previously because I was too busy screaming, yelling and spewing a biased position.
In his travels Donald Trump listened to the people, heard what they said, and agreed to be their champion. He knew, from the get go, that if he did that, he couldn’t lose. A person that can do that deserves to be the ‘elected head of a republic’.
Please read this, it will shock you.
When I looked at this image, posted on my Facebook several days after the election I asked myself, “whose voice was heard November 8?”. It certainly wasn’t Black Lives Matter, that movement resides in the blue. It most certainly wasn’t the Anti-Police movement, they also reside in the blue. It unquestionably wasn’t the Anti-Second Amendment folks, they definitely reside in the blue. It couldn’t have been the Fat Cats, they all live in the blue. So who was it?
Must have been the Rancher and the Farmer, they live all over the red. Must have been the coal miner, the Appalacians are definitely in the red. Could it have been the Factory worker, he lives all over that area south of the Great Lakes Erie and Ontario. The voice I heard was the a quiet, resolved voice of the Heartland. The Pioneer stock, the forgotten, the few, the soul of America. Now compare the above map with the map below, and what does that say to you.
The tall green spikes represent the areas of America that contribute the largest amounts of dollars to the economy. Is it getting clearer now? The green spikes might as well be blue, and the gray area might as well be red. All of the big money interests in our economy supported Clinton, and those who feed us, clothe us, and put roofs over our head backed Trump. Why is it then that for the last 18 months we have been hearing how Clinton was for the little guy, and Trump was for the big money people.
I don’t know about you, but this was a revelation to me. Make America Great Again.
The thing that I notice here is that they
all went into battle with a smile on
their faces, and they still have them today.
The American people have spoken, their voices were heard, the Pendulum has swung. What has resonated most soundly with me is the clarity of Trump’s take on the American pulse, and the incredible fight he put forward to make it heard. The Media was against him. The Establishment was against him. His own party was against him. While this was going on, I clearly heard him say, “It doesn’t matter that the Media is Biased, that the Election is rigged, that Republican party is against me, we have a movement, we have the support of the American people”. He was clear and confident that he was speaking the voice of America. It is what held me loyal and true, through thick and thin. I rejoice today, not so much in our win, but in our abilities as Americans to see our future clearly and react.
As hard as it will be, we must all now come together. Not because Trump says so, or Clinton says so, or Obama says so, but because the American people say so.
Look who popped up just one week before the elections. One of the Basket of Deplorables must have gotten away in the October Madness.
Donald Trump is out selling ball caps, signed books, lunches with his sons, himself and his daughter, T-shirts, trips on his airplane, reaching into his own pocket, you name it, to raise money for his campaign, beholden to none. Hillary is courting Wall Street, Special Interest Groups and the Uber Wealthy (George Soros types), to get what she wants, indebted to everyone.
To me it is a simple question indeed. WHO DO YOU WANT RUNNING YOUR COUNTRY? WHO WOULD YOU PICK?