Please read this, it will shock you.
When I looked at this image, posted on my Facebook several days after the election I asked myself, “whose voice was heard November 8?”. It certainly wasn’t Black Lives Matter, that movement resides in the blue. It most certainly wasn’t the Anti-Police movement, they also reside in the blue. It unquestionably wasn’t the Anti-Second Amendment folks, they definitely reside in the blue. It couldn’t have been the Fat Cats, they all live in the blue. So who was it?
Must have been the Rancher and the Farmer, they live all over the red. Must have been the coal miner, the Appalacians are definitely in the red. Could it have been the Factory worker, he lives all over that area south of the Great Lakes Erie and Ontario. The voice I heard was the a quiet, resolved voice of the Heartland. The Pioneer stock, the forgotten, the few, the soul of America. Now compare the above map with the map below, and what does that say to you.
The tall green spikes represent the areas of America that contribute the largest amounts of dollars to the economy. Is it getting clearer now? The green spikes might as well be blue, and the gray area might as well be red. All of the big money interests in our economy supported Clinton, and those who feed us, clothe us, and put roofs over our head backed Trump. Why is it then that for the last 18 months we have been hearing how Clinton was for the little guy, and Trump was for the big money people.
I don’t know about you, but this was a revelation to me. Make America Great Again.