Before WWII the United States was steeped in Natioalism and Isolationism. At that time the terms meant that we wanted nothing to do with Europes wars and we had no interest in anything beyond our borders and our protectorates. Charles Lindberg was the Voice of American thinking of the time (Late 30’s) making it very difficult for FDR to generate backing and aid for Europe and England. We were willing to let Hitler and the Nazi’s take Europe and England, as long as they didn’t tread on American Soil. We fealt safe, being oceans away from the conflict. “They started it, let them finish it.”
When we finally did get into WWII it was because of a Nazi ally Japan and their sneak attack on Oahu, Hawaii. The Pearl Harbor attack was a mixed blessing to FDR. He certainly did not want to see thousands of American sailors die in the wanton slaughter, but he did want to get America onto the global scene and immediately declared war on Japan, which caused Hitler to declare war on the United States, which incurred the war declaration on the United States from Hitler. American went from Isolationism (a policy of remaining apart from the affairs or interests of other groups, especially the political affairs of other countries) and Nationalism (patriotic feeling, principles, or efforts) to Globalism (the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis). We occupied both Germany and Japan for 10 years after WWII, and we still, in effect, occupy South Korea some 59 Years after the Korean War. This is certainly not Nationalistic/Isolationistic activity on the part of the United States. In fact if you include support of NATO, SEATO, Iron Curtain Nations, Israel, Palestinians, The Middle East, Preyed upon African Nations, and many other foreign interests you can in no way infer that the Unites States is and Nationalist/Isolationist country.
We have, however, become a more impoverished nation due to our foreign benevolence. We entered trade agreements that have caused the collapse of American industry, we allowed American unemployment to reach unprecedented heights and we have allowed the American middle class to all but disappear. At the same time we have spent trillions upon trillions of dollars rebuilding the German, Japanese and Korean economies and standards of living to level higher than our own. We have spent many trillions in the Middle East and Asia, to the tune of 21 trillion indebtedness.
Finally, after 71 years of give-away programs, along comes a blustering Donald J. Trump to say “Enough, Let’s Make America Great Again”. As a businessman, President Trump is going to remove all the roadblocks to American Economic growth. What does he mean by that?
1.) Let’s make all participating countries in NATO pay their perscribed share or the cost. (Seems fair and reasonable to me. An agreement is an Agreement.)
2.) Let’s make every country pay the cost of their own defense and military. (What a novel idea.)
3.) Let’s pull out of Climate Agreements that only the United States is adhering to and paying for. (Make the agreement a two way street. When everyone else pays, we pay.)
4.) Let’s do away with punative EPA regulations that only the United States supports and pays the price for. (Sounds fair to me.)
5.) Let’s pull out of Trade Agreements that benefit other nations that stifle American business. (Again, sounds fair to me.)
6.) Let’s pull out of the Iran Deal. (Even though the horse is out of the barn on this one, this makes perfect sense to me, considering Iran is the largest supporter of terrorism, which we and allies are spending trillions to eradicate. Iran also wants to eradicate Israel, which is an absolute no-no for most Americans.)
7.) Let’s Frack.
8.) Let’s tighten up our borders and control immigration into the United States.
a.) Limiting immigration from extreme Muslim Nations until we can develop a system of vetting. (Sounds like a safe and sane policy to me.)
b.) Tight borders make let us know who is coming to join our society. (Social System) (Sounds like a smart thing to do.) I am the son of Danish Immigrants who followed the rules of Immigration and Naturalization and contributed to the greatness of this country. Our immigration system is fair to those who do it properly.
President Trump isn’t promoting Isolationism and Nationalism, he is promoting America. We have squandered enough of our wealth, strength and goodness on a world that could care less as long as we keep hemoraging dollars. President Trump wants to hemorage dollars on law abiding, patriotic American citizens. Sounds like a good idea to me.