I Hate Being So Indecisive

I used to think that Actors and Actresses were kind of ditsy people who couldn’t decide who they were, what kind of life they wanted, or what they wanted to do with their lives. I mean, the average marriage amongst them probably lasts an average of 3 to 5 years, or before the money runs out, or the star fades, or until the sex thing wears off, or whichever comes first. I could never understand how they could play in a shoot-em-up movie, one day, and then be in a gun control ad the next. It seems strange, to me, that they puff on cigarettes in a movie, and then take money for a ‘stop smoking ad’, because they care. Seems more like double dipping to me. But the ones that get me the most are the ones that host lavish parties, costing millions of dollars, for political entities like Obama, who then feels he needs to contribute millions of our taxpayer dollars to Ruanda, rather than veterans. Why don’t they just send the party money to Ruanda, and stay home and watch one of their movies, or TV reruns.

Although I still hold onto those thoughts, I’m now wondering if it isn’t their fans and followers that are ditsy. I mean watch the fans fall all over the celebs at the Oscars, screaming, sobbing, throwing undergarments, waving their arms, quite a scene actually. I can’t understand why the fans hang one every word the celebrity utters at Political Rallys, Political Conventions, Political ads. The celebs are certainly entitled to their political opinions, leanings and ideologies, but they don’t know any more about what they are talking about then does the man on the street, but yet thousands of fans look up and drool as Katie Perry says, “Can’t we all just love on eachother”. As profound as that statement is, I have no clue what it does to combat terrorism, fix immigration laws or ‘Make America Great Again’.

So now I’m lost, at an impass, pondering and posing who is the ditso, the one who can’t figure it out, or the one that idolizes him/her.