Two Hindus Discussing the Problems of the Day
“Amava” I am telling you this heat is killing me”, Rakshan laments, “even here near lake Shasta it is getting very hot”.
“Rakshan, I agree with you, but you know we have nothing to worry about because Governor Newsom has come down very hard on PG&E to make sure that the electrical grid stays operating during the hottest of summer days.
“That is such good news Amava. Last year, 2019 was a very difficult year with PG&E shutting down all the time when the winds increased. It is very difficult for PG&E to keep their 200 year old poles standing under under the stress of those 10 mph wind forces”.
“How many outages have you had so far this summer Rakshan”?
“Only 35 so far Amava”.
“What was your average outage time”?
“About 3 days only, Amava”.
“Doing the math Amava, that means your power has been out the entire summer”.
“You must remember, Redding is a third world country Rakshan”.