Movie celebrities and music celebraties, by definition, are successful, high profile people. They have earned a star in the firmament. I have nothing but respect for the efforts of Meryl Streep, Jennifer Lawrence, George Clooney, Sheryl Crow, The Dixie Chicks and others. They have entertained me, made me laugh, made me cry, and have put broad smiles on my face, while climbing their respective ladders of artistic success.
For some reason, however they seem to think that celebrity seems to somehow, translate directly to the political arena. All’s fair, and they have every right to use their bully pulpit to expound on whatever topics they feel are important to them. We all, somehow, seem to hang on their words and thoughts as if they were speaking to us only, the way that movies and songs seem to be acted and sung, just for us.
Sometimes, however, which is true of everyone, celebrities exceed their mental limitations. Either they are still acting, or singing when they promote politicians, or they just lose all sense of reality and overlook truth and conscience, to seek their goals of “First Black President” or “First Woman President” or “Woman of the Year”. There has already been a “First Actor President”, but oddly enough celebrities didn’t support him.
I have noticed, over the decades, that celebrities are notorious losers and get it wrong all to often, when it comes to Presidential Nominee endorsement. I offer 1980 to 1988 and the last eight years as proof of my assertion.