A Little Bit of History in Our Own Backyard


Returning home from our trip to Rancho Cordova last weekend, we were absolutely blown away to see that Bison’s have returned to Redbluff. As you head north on I-5 out of Redbluff, look off to the right of the freeway and you will see a herd of these amazing animals, grazing, lazing and conjuring up visions of the old Wild Wild West. Watching them, listening to them grunt and growel made me see them as majestic animals.

It has been said that the Bison (Buffalo) made the western expansion possible; however nearly to its own demise. They provided food, clothing and shelter for the Indians and the Settlers of Westward Movement as well. There were apparently, four American Bison Species, three of which are now extinct; so heavily were they hunted and killed during the 1800’s.

The Bison has been on Earth longer than Humans; Archeologists having found fossil remains as old as 250,000 years. The modern Bison, as shown above, appeared in North America 5,000 to 10,000 years ago.

It is worth a trip to Redbluff to see them. There is an offramp that will take you, over gravel tracks, to an up close and personal viewing point. Enjoy a bit of history in our own backyard.

Old Friends


Last weekend my wife and  I went to visit a friend we hadn’t seen in many years. I first met our friend through her husband who had been my best friend my last three years in college. We became neighbors for many years, and lost touch after I moved away from the neighborhood. We met again in Iran on a construction project, I was involved in, that was also the backdrop for my first book, “The Chabahar Incident”. We spent a little over a year there together, I married my second wife there and my old college buddy stood up for me.

Not long after our return to the United States, my old college buddy passed away from a brain tumor. After several years of agony and remorse my buddies wife remarried again and we saw eachother occasionally at weddings, a Super Bowl party or two, and then we both moved away to distant places. We exchanged Chistmas cards, but soon lost touch.

Recently I heard that she had experienced some marital issues and was now alone. I was devistated and wanted to console her, but unable to contact her. I asked my daughter to try and find her contact information and we were successful in getting together last weekend. My wife and I were going to my Granddaughter’s Club Volleyball Tournament where it so happened our friend lived near-by.

We went to her house at 5:30PM where we chatted over a few glasses of wine and killer Bruschetta Pomodoro appetizer, and went out to dinner. At the lovely dinner we talked endlessly of our good times and hard patches we learned that our 72 year old friend was dating, which we thought was marvelous. We talked about my old college buddy with love and reverence, and brought the wonderful evening to a close around 11 PM. Hugs, kisses and heartfelt “I love you’s” sent us on our way.

It was as if we had never lost touch, we just carried on like it was yesterday that we were last together. There is a lot more to this story, as you can imagine, but suffice to say real friendships seamlessly go on through the years and never change, never falter and never lose their veracity.

Looking Back – Melancholy

1949 Ford Business Coupe

Yesterday, a buddy of mine and our wives, participated in a Show-and-Shine of his 1967 Ford at Kool April Nights in Redding, California. The car belonged to his parents, and he inherited it and has taken care of it ever since. It is a great looking car with a white top and a baby blue bottom. He got a lot of oohs and aahs at the show. As we sat there, in our picnic chairs, I thought back on my High School days.

My first car was a pea green, 1949 Ford Business Coupe, much like the one pictured above. The fenders in the Factory Models had a beaded seam down the top center of the front and rear fenders. The cool thing to do was to grind off the bead, fill in the crevasse and create a smoothe, rounded seamless fender. Took me about three months of effort, but I finally got mine to resemble what you see here. I never was able to amass the money to have the car painted and spiffed, and within the first year I was rear-ended, ruining all my hard work.

I couldn’t afford Moons either, so my nostalgic 1949 Ford was basically a heap, that got me and some buddies back and forth to high school.

There is an interesting side story. My Father and I made a deal, if I would earn the money to buy the car ($425) and keep it maintained, he would pay for the insurance. He made the statement without doing his homework. The insurance was $450 a year, but he kept true to his word, as he always did, and bit the bullet for two years until I joined the Navy.

Looking back.

What is Posting?

Facebook Like

I enjoy posting. Some of my FBB’s (Facebook Buddies) like to post, others don’t. Some like to post funny stuff all the time, others are serious, others are religious. Some are profound, others are whimsical. Some are naughty, some nice. Seems like a lot of pet lovers out there as well, have never seen a pet hater post.

Some post their travels. I have an FBB that I swear is running from the law. He is never in the same place for two weeks at a time, but where he goes is really interesting and postworthy.

So I asked myself, I said “Self, why do you like to post?” The answer came back kind of garbled, but what I gather is that I really enjoy writing, I really enjoy connecting and I really enjoy the workings of the minds of others. My FBB Randy is hilarious in a laid back, cynical, sacreligious sort of way. FBB Sean is all over the place, but mystically riveting. Tim appears to be on an extended vacation while running an international business and raising two gorgeous little girls with his gorgeous wife. FBB Peter has a love affair with the inside of a 757, is there, more than he is at home. Tammy is out to make the world a better place, one post at a time. I just enjoy the hell out of the whole process.

Post on FBB’s.

What is the Meaning of Easter

Google “Easter” and click on “Images”. Up comes everything imaginable that has anything remotely to do with Easter. The most popular images are of colored Easter Eggs, in the typical dyed blue, orange, pink, purple and green; to the maticulously colored Russian Easter Eggs. Next come the little bunnies, ham and big bunnies, you know the Heffner type. There are even images of Easter Island. If you look long and hard you will find one of two pictures of Jesus Risen, the true meaning of Easter.

I remember enjoying the colors of Easter at church when they went from purple during the lent, to the pristine white of Easter Sunday. The colors of the vestments always impressed me. I remember the catechism stories and the image of Christ on the Cross and what they meant to me as a young boy. I remember the 114 Stations, singing in the choir, experiencing communion and the holiness I felt at that time.

I have strayed over the years, and it has been a while since I have crossed the threshold of my Parish Church. Somehow I have succumbed to the hype of Easter. The Tulips, the chocolates, the Easter Egg Hunts, the candy corn, the yellow baby chicks. I think it is time to get back to basics and remember the real reason for the day.

So why construction work instead of a handout.

Freeway Bridge

When asked why he was not going to support Federal spending on Construction Projects President Obama said, “I’m not interested in making a bunch or engineers rich.” He then went on to create one of the biggest entitlement programs we have ever known and essentially gave people money for not working. I was flabbergasted by that thought process and decided to sit down and list all of the people that would be employed, in some capacity, in order to build, say, a freeway bridge.

First, the decision to build the bridge needs to be made, hence decision makers are employed. Next come the designers and after that the contractors and subcontractors. Material suppliers figure into the mix bigtime. This is anything from concrete to lumber to steel fabrications, to name a few. It takes equipment to build a bridge, cranes, pile drivers, backhoes, loaders, trucks big and little, and the like. It takes fuel to run that equipment, so the petroleum companies figure in. The equipment needs repair and maintenance, spare parts and new tires. We are up to thousands of people at this point and we have only started.

Each one of these categories can be broken down into their individual components. For example. A concrete form requires plywood and lumber. Employment doesn’t start at the lumber store. Trees have to be grown and harvested. They are hauled from the forest to the lumber mill where they are sawed into specified sizes. Saw mill waste goes to the plywood mills where the plywood is manufactured. Lumber is then hauled to the lumber yard where it is sold by the wholesalers and their staffs. The form is then designed and fabricated into its usable shape and then set and stripped by the contractor’s carpenters. Breaking everything down this way we are now at hundreds of thousands of people.

I have been a Civil Engineer in the Construction business for 45 years and I can tell you I am not a rich man, but I will tell you I am satisfied with my lot,  I am proud of my accomplishments and I enjoyed going to the job every single day of my working life, which continues into my retirement.

Wake up Mr. President.

Two Things That Definitely Must Change

Super Pacs

The two issues in the voting process that need to be eliminated are Super PACs and Superdelegates. The American voter suffers through nearly an entire year of smear television ads that mock the candidates with speeches loaded with insults and innuendo, arms thrashing, fingers pointing ad nauseum. Millions upon millions of dollars spent filling the evening fare with unending biliousness. I get tired of it as I am sure you do, and I don’t put any stock in it either. There are websites that offer truth and clarity on the candidates. There is no need for the Super Pac crap, we need to rid ourselves of them once and for all. Think about it. The PACs spend millions upon millions (Jeb Bush’s PAC has spent over 50 million so far and he is in last place), what do the PAC’s expect to gain from their largess. You got it, they expect access to the winning candidate.

Lets look at Superdelegates. Every state has delegates that are representative of the people in that state who are charged with the obligation to vote at their conventions for the person who has won the state primary or caucus. This is a fair process that represents the wishes of the voters. Then there are the Superdelegates, the Fat Cats of the system who do not have to follow the mandate of the voters, but can vote for anyone they individually desire. In Iowa Clinton won the Democratic Caucus by less than 1 % (.13% actually) but she was awarded all the Superdelegates, 8 of them, so she walks away the huge winner, which was not the decree of the Iowa voter.

Slowly but surely the public voting system is being undermined by the wealty PAC’s who influence Superdelegates. When our votes no longer count, we no longer count.


Of All The Luck – Something for the Weekend


Celebrating Christmas with friends on Sunday this year. I offered to provide the five bone Prime Rib Roast. It is a beauty, cut, tied and rubbed with Pappies Beef Rub. I know my friends will cook it perfectly to a tee.

Problem is, I had two teeth pulled three days ago and can’t chew anything for another two weeks. Bad planning. Woe is me.

National News Media Reporting Bias

Donald TrumpHillary Clinton

Donald Trump says a lot of things that on the face of it seems bombastic. Hillary Clinton says a lot of thing that on the face of it seems implausible. No matter what Donald Trump says the National News Media makes it into something bombastic and stuff of bullies and no matter what Hillary Clinton says, it is as if she speaking with one hand on the bible.

National News Media bias is so blatant that it is shameful. There should be no editorializing when reporting the National News. It is disgraceful how the wealthy owners of the various National News Channels bend and shape the news to what they want you to hear to promote their philosophies, ideas and candidates.

If you don’t believe me watch Lester Holt on NBC. He and his band of yes men and women, are so barefaced it is laughable. Donald Trump is trashed by the National News Media every time he opens his mouth, while Hillary Clinton is eulogized. I am starting to see, however, that most American’s now see through the National News Media shennigans and are beginning to look at things from a more sophisticated viewpoint. At least I hope so.

Something for the Weekend The Truth About Writing

Mountain Climbing

Writing must be a lot like mountain climbing. The task initially seems insurmountable, arduous and mind boggeling.  To overcome this I am sure that a mountain climber plans the route, gathers the gear, anad physically and mentally prepares himself or herself for the ascent. It is exactly the same with writing the novel.

The best planning advice I received was “create a premise, a ‘what if’ and expand from there. What if Hitler had won the war. What if the first moon landers couldn’t leave the moon. What if Hinkley was a better shot. The possibilities go on and on, and once you have settled on your what if, expand it.