I’m a Normalist

Today it seems that everyone needs an identity. “I identify as a……………………person”, is a common response these days. Growing up, I was completely aware of big dogs and little dogs; black, yellow, brown and white humans; fat cats and skinny cats; mens rooms, ladies rooms and unisex rooms; colored and white water fountains (for a brief period in my life); tall, short, fat, skinny, hairy, bald, pretty, not so pretty people, natives and foreigners and everything in-between in my sphere of awareness. I kind of thought that everything was normal, the way it was, part of the scene, what was happening.

I identify as a NORMALIST person. A Normalist person is one who believes something to be the normal state of things, not requiring remediation. I don’t give a rats ass how you identify, you are who you are…………….normal.

Living in a Third World Country

I’m living in a third world country 217 miles north of San Francisco, just off the I-5 in Redding California. My internet speed averages 12.5 Mbps, and my power goes off on such a regular basis that I had to install a 20Kw standby generator, and a 500 gal propane tank to power it. My internet (partial) provider is AT&T and my electiricity (partial) provider is PG&E.

The summer hasn’t even officially started and already PG&E has put us through a 24 hour power outage. Last evening, it was still light out, the power went off in the middle of Season 6, Episode 2 of Ray Donovan. When we watch Ray Donovan at 12.5 Mbps, on AT&T Broadband, we watch the little round circle go around almost as long as you watch the show. Every 15 minutes everything stops, the little round circle starts going around, and 30 seconds later you get a message the internet is SLOW. Typically at that point we go through a series of button pressing and power on/off exercises, (you know, “Turn off the power to the modem, count to 10 and plug it in again.”).

Last night we were treated to something new, something to break the monotony, the screen just went black. I dutifully began pressing buttons, pulling power plugs, but nothing happened. “Something’s wrong”, I thought. I concluded that we had been treated to a Bi-Fecta, a Double Whammy, a One-Two punch. PG&E and AT&T teamed up for a WTF.

We Third Worlders pay the same, if not more than you folks in the Real World for all these modern conveniences like electricity and broadband. You would think that there is some sort of obligation, on the part of our provider’s AT&T and PG&E, to provide us with similar quality of service. Well that’s what we thought too, but we have come to find out that they are the only game in our neck of the woods and their answer is “take it or leave it”. What is this Thrid World of Redding, California. coming to?

!!!News Flash Gavin – Climate Change Is Here!!! Has Been For The Last 4.6 Billion Years.

“At least 75 major temperature swings in the last 4,500 years.”

Gavin…….there have been at least 75 major temperature swings in the last 4,500 years, the graph above shows 13 of them. As much as you would have us think; the earth does not revolve around California, nor the Governors Mansion, nor your self anointed fat little head. The earth wobbles and revolves on an axis that, in its imperfection, is causing all sorts of issues. The plates move, the magma spews, the Sahara becomes Eden every 20,000 years or so, and living objects on earth adapt or perish. You talk about Climate Change as if it is stoppable, and you are the only person on Earth  that can accomplish it……. Well with exception of that other idiot AOC.

President Trump chastised you for not taking care of California’s forests last week, and you cried “You don’t believe in climate change. You are excused from this conversation.” Climate Change is inevitable, it has gone on for 4.6 Billion (with a B) years. As a practical man, the President has asked you to understand climate change and to learn to live with it. We can all head for cooler climes or we can get busy learning how to live with the one we’ve got. For God’s-Sake, California will burn to the ground a thousand times before you can spend enough money to alter Climate Change.

As always, your mouth continues to motor on, and somehow, by default, you are always part of the conversation. I suggest you press the “mute” button, and follow in your predecessor’s footsteps and join a monastery somewhere and do some deep soul searching. You might find out that you are not the center of the universe after all and that you can really do some good for society as a whole (not just your misguided constituency).  See the real problems, Gavin. Climate Cycles are longer than the next news cycle, or the next election cycle. Start making REAL DECISIONS.

D-Day – And What it Means

It seems so long ago, 75 years does, and yet it feels like only yesterday that Mom, Dad, Brother John and I sat in front of our RCA radio listening to the reports, looking at maps, which were the front page of every newspaper in those days of “Can our boys do it?, Can we win? Will Ike win the day?”. So many fears, prayers, joys and sorrows were launched from the shores of England that day, and everyone in the world stood still, waiting for the verdict of the “Longest Day”.

That “bastard Hitler” was beginning to feel the sting of Allied determination. He was beaten in Africa, he was beaten in Italy, he was beaten on the Eastern Front and he had one last chance, England and the Western Front to make his final stand. On that momentous day over 150,000 sea sick Allied soldiers (From England, Canada and the United States) charged from the LST’s; wading 200 yards with full pack in the chest deep Channel surf; then through 200 yards of mines, hedgehogs exposed beaches, runnels, razor wire; then 200 yards of open beach, in a hail of crossfire, and then scale 100 to 170 foot tall cliffs to accomplish the days mission and secure the blood stained beaches code named Sword, Juno, Gold, Omaha, and Utah. Close your eyes and make that run in your minds eye, hear the bullets whizzing by, feel the cannon and mortar concussion, smell the cordite, hear the yells and screams, experience the fear. My God what those boys went through. Canada gave 1,000, England gave 2,700 and we gave 6,600 of our courageous young men, most under 20 years old, to the fight that day and 6,500 gallons of prescious young blood, soaked those god forsaken sands.

My wife and I toured those hallowed grounds back in 1978. I tried to film the white crossed graveyard at Colleville-sur-Mer, Normandy, France. Before I could pan 10 feet of that sacred ground, my lens fogged up and I began sobbing uncontrollably. I dropped to my knees, I could only cry for those wonderful boys I never knew, but loved like family. It gave me peace.

Today there are 450,000 (RRS Sunday Supplement 6/2/19) of those heroic men that marched to victory across the D-Day Beaches remaining today. Most in their nineties. They are dying at the the rate of 362 per day. As an American, you should travel to Normandy and pay homage. If you can’t do that, seek out one of those remaining heros (Start at the Veterans Groups in your Town or City), shake his hand and thank him for giving you everything you are today, and pray for those you can’t thank personally. You’ll be very glad you did.

How Did This Happen

How did we get from a little red hat saying “Make America Great Again” to a smear campaign calling our President and others racists for wearing it.

I’ll tell you what I think. There is something called a news cycle, the media act of reporting on a single subject or event from beginning to end. A typical news cycle runs for 24 hours. There are some that go on for days, weeks, months and even years. SOTU speech is an example of a 24hr cycle. Roger Stone examplifies a week cycle, Beto is an example of a month cycle, Robert Mueller is an example of a year(s) cycle. There is a singular cycle that carries on forever, “Bashing Trump”. Trying to bring down President Trump has become a media epidemic, an internal disease so powerful that the media can’t help itself, spreading a disease that has no cure. I don’t even think that President Trump’s demise would stop the insanity. It is a shameful situation the Media has gotten itself and our country into.

I have been saying to myself, “Keep it up media, it is only a matter of time before you are exposed for what you are” or “Hell I’m going to die soon, and why should I give a rats ass”, but that is no way to feel and think. I have grandchildren that will have to navigate this murkey bog, and they need a strong moral compass to get through it. “Make America Great Again” should go a long way to keeping and even keel.






A Few Of My Fa-vor-it Things

Teeth into the wind

There are two things (other than the usual exclusions, like wife, friends and family) for which I have a true passion, and they are words and dogs. Words and dogs are both unconditional, loyal and steadfast.

Recently this dog came into my universe and showed me the meaning of the word INTREPID, by bravely traveling 4,000+ miles by air, through blizzards, reroutings and delays and landing without complaint in a strange setting, giving and looking for love with every step of her grand entrance at SFO United Receiving . As I look at this picture and roll the word INTREPID around in my brain I wonder if I am using enough of a word to properly translate what I wanted say about her. A quick GOOGLE has put my fears to rest.

Take a minute and read each of these synonomic-descriptors in turn and as you say each word slowly to yourself, look at her picture.
unblenching, unabashedbolddaringaudaciousadventurousdashingheroicdynamic,
spiritedmettlesome, confidentindomitable, bravecourageousvaliantvalorous,
stoutheartedlionheartedstalwartplucky, gutsyspunkygame, and ballsy.”

Yeah, I think I that’s a good word. Don’t you? 



Odin, Thor, Edgar – OMG This is so cool

We were coming home from the gym, and these 7 behemoths met us at the corner of our Dead End street. We stopped our car dead in its tracks to take a hard look. They didn’t scare and take flight, but rather shifted from talon to talon, stretched their necks and wings and stared, beady-eyed out of their ugly little red heads. There was one on the ground that, coughed up something, pecked at it, and downed it again. He flew back up into the tree and took his place on a empty limb, and there they all sat. Never in my life have I seen a sight like this. I sat mesmerized, frozen and a little scared.

What did they forbode? Why were they there, all facing me, on my block, when there was all of California, Baja, Arizona and Utah to land in. “Are they waiting for me? Is this really a cruel joke? Are they even real?”, I found myself thinking. “Holy Smokes is this an omen? Is Odin or Thor calling me to Valhalla?” I cringed at the thought. “Did Edgar Allen resurrect, and is he here staging a photo for the cover of his newest novel?” My mind was going crazy. “Is that it? Am I going nuts? Do I start foaming at the mouth any minute now?”

The California Condor is a creature that has survived near extinction, soars like and eagle, does nothing to harm humans (live ones at least), and cleans up our roadkill. Sitting, staring at them I saw a palpable strength. I could feel it. Why were they roosting there? I also thought I saw a weariness in their demeanor. In the end I felt very blessed, privileged and finally happy to be in their presence. What an experience.


Music Moves Me


Someone asked me the other day if I liked music. “I love music”, I answered. Why do you love music? “Because it moves me”, I said. The answer just came out of the blue, but for some reason, I knew my answer was true, but even I needed to know why. When I got home I went to my Youtube List, and started to listen to the music that I love.

So what moves me here. 1) The audience’s clammor for the three striking singers as they walked in. 2) Almost from the first chord my eyes started to tear up, and my mouth formed a smile. 3) The audience kissing and hugging eachother, smiling, crying, one person openly sobbing. 4) The spontaneous participation of the audience ranging from 5 years to 80+ years. 5) Rieu’s stimulating violin. 6) The presentation of the notes by the young women, filling their lungs and pressing the notes to higher and higher harmoneous perfection. 7) The lyrics.

And why does this move me? 1.) The adulation of a crowd who revere these two men as much as I do, numbering enough to fill Shea Stadium in New York. 2) I dare anyone to listen to this and not move their body and grin til it hurts. 3) the deafening roar of appreciation from the crowd.

OK. Turn your volume up to listen to this marvelous aria.

There is a purity to this voice that is very hard to describe, but each time I hear “Nessun Dorma” from Turandot I sob like a baby. I have since my mother introduced me to it as a boy, along with “Oh Mimi” from La Boheme, “The Flower Duet”, from Lakmé and many more.

Music Moves Me.

Cowboys and Indians

Growing up I was very aware of Cowboys and Indians. My pals and I would play for hours and hours in the fields next door, or in the backyard, or in our livingroom makeshift tepees. I was infatuated with Tom Mix, Hoppy, Roy and Gene. Mom dropped me off at the theater on Saturday, gave me two-bits, with which I saw two full length shoot-em-ups, ten cartoons and had enough left over for popcorn and a coke. For me, the history of America started there.
In High School I remember learning about the Aztecs, the Incas and the Mayas, but I always thought of them as foreigners, not American’s. For me the Native History of America started with the Pilgrims landing at Plymouth Rock. I remember, during Thanksgiving Holiday, seeing Indians pictured at the Pilgrims Table, but I never really wondered where they came from.
Stumbling through life I recall hearing stories of early Indians like the Iroquois Tribes (Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida and Mohawks). I was born a New Yorker so “Far above Cayuga’s Waters”, Oneida Watches, and the “Last of the Mohicans” had meaning to me. I faintly remember the Seminoles, because they were billed as the good guys from Florida. The famous Apache Chieftan Cochise (Jeff Chandler) was chased by every oater leading man of the 40s, but I just figured he arrived about the same time Hoppy did. Well silly me.
Not until two weeks ago; at age 80 (blissfully ignorant but inquisitive), when NPR aired “Native Americans”, did the real story begin to unravel. Up jumps Cahokia and it;s collection of tribes, who appeared in the Mississippi area around AD 700. Three hundred years later Cahokia was at its Golden Age (pictured above) and by 1600 it faded away. I don’t remember any of this being taught in gradeschool. For these folks to have amassed in the region in AD 700, they had to have come from somewhere. Scientists and Anthropologists seem to think that the Bering Straits were finally habitable enough for Human migration from Siberia around 12,600 years ago, some postulate that humans came to North America 125,000 years ago.
The Facts seem to allow that the Indians were definitely here before Hoppy. They flourished at Cahokia with staggering scientific knowledge of the Sun, Moon and Stars, taught settlers the meaning of democracy, developed Maise (Corn) as a staple, and built ceremonial mounds 10 stories (100 Feet) high. There were one heck of a lot of Native Americans here before Custer went on his killing sprees.
I have no idea how I, or anyone else, could have graduated from High School without knowing something about our Native American Ancestors.
I am going to dig deeper into this. I really dislike being stupid.



Kindness is defined as the quality of being friendly, generous, and considerate. Friendly is defined as being pleasant. Generous is defined as showing a readiness to give more of something, as money or time, than is strictly necessary or expected. Considerate is defined as being careful not to cause inconvenience or hurt to others.
When you look at the photograph above, the young man is certainly exibiting kindness; he is definitely giving more of himself than expected; and he is being careful not to inconvenience or harm the handicapped lady yet he is certainly being being inconvenienced and experiencing unpleasantness by getting wet or possibly ill.
So do we have a dilema? Is the definition of kindness above a complete one?
If we look harder at the picture we might see that the young man has a smile and a look of satisfaction on his face, the onlookers are thinking what a nice young man he is, and the lady has a thankful look. Maybe minutes later a shop owner runs out with a towel for the young man, or a barista brings him a cup of warm coffee, or several others come out and open the car door and assist the lady into her car, or a policeman pulls up and stops traffic.
I have been afforded kindness, and each time the experience has etched itself into my memory and stitched itself into the fabric of my human experience.
I think a better definition of kindness might be; “the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate; to your own inconvenience and possible harm; knowing the action has made you, the person to whom you have extended the kindness, and the world in general, become better for your efforts.”
Extend kindness. If you have recieved kindness, cherish it.