Dollar a Year Men

Michael BloombergJFKFDR3

Some of the great leaders of my time were “Dollar a year men”. FDR, a democrat, and one of my childhood heros was a Dollar a year man who tried to get all of his buddies in business and government to become dollar a year men. JFK, a democrat, was never in it for the money. Nobody, except possibly his family owned him, he was his own man. I admired him greatly. Michael Bloomberg, an independent, although I don’t know much about him, purportedly did a lot of good for New York, and was his own man as well.

We have another man coming along who is his own man, owing nothing to anyone, who has a chance to follow in the footsteps of FDR, JFK and Bloomberg. We have a another man that has the capability to stand alone, to face the insiders and make a difference. There is a chance that actual change can come about based on the notion that freedom of ties that bind allows transformation to occur. This is not an ad for Donald Trump’s Campaign for the Presidency, it is an offer of thought to understand where “change” comes from.

“The only thing we have to fear, is fear itself”, FDR told us as we entered into WWII, dragging America from isolationism and giving us the spirit and the will to fight for freedom and the American dream.

“Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” JFK admonished us as he fought to make America great again and bring real change to how we feel about ourselves.

“No place epitomizes the American experience and the American spirit more than New York City.” Bloomberg said harkening back to the World Trade Center disaster and spurring New Yorkers to a better place.

Change arises out of independence not indebitedness.