Years ago a Celebrity was someone that most people revered, looked up to, adored, and yes, worshiped; for pursuits ranging from heroism, stardom, athleticism, good works, religion and other pursuits. We have elevated many of our midst to ultra levels of acclaim and accord for their hard work and hard earned capability. Some of the celebrities that I embraced over the years include, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Dwight David Eisenhower, Cousin Evald (a WWII Pacific Ace), Moshe Dayan, Golda Meir, John Kennedy, Paul Newman, Robert Mitchum, Grace Kelly, Bob Fossey and, of course, many others. Celebrity, to me, meant popularity (the state or condition of being liked, admired, or supported by many people). Celebrity, to me, also carried with it elements of respect and esteem, and a genuine appreciation of accomplishment.
Last Sunday night the Emmy Awards was held to honor Celebrities in the Television Industry. The Industry chose Stephen Colbert to be Master of their Ceremony. Oprah Winfrey sat up front ant center, as did many other smiling, tittering, ignoramuses. As the evening wore on, literally, the jokes and inuendo became so disgusting that I and everyone else watching with me wanted no more, so we shut the television off and stared at each other speechlessly for several minutes, and then we all realized that we and 62 Million other prople had just been terribly appallingly maligned.
We had a rousing discusssion about how disgusting the “Award Shows” have become and how wisdomatically the television academy had chosen as its master of ceremonies, one of the most disgusting people on the Planet, and featured close seconds, Alec Baldwin, and Melissa McCarthy. Several said that they thought that they thought they had noticed a few audience members showed signs of guilt and regret, but felt that they were in the vast majority. We then realized that we were actually supporting the disgusting behavior of the television industry by watching their
Apparently my friends and I are not in the minority judging from the criticisms from the news media and social media. “The Emmys have reached a new level of popular appeal…….Rock Bottom”. Congratulations are in order to Colbert for bringing the Emmys down to his level of capability.